Look at This Freakshow Vegged for A Year ( reddit find )

He vegged it indoors for a year then kicked her outside. Its honestly gorgeous

Freakshow Tree


I have been wanting to run freakshow for a bit now, it looks so nice. I can never seem to find them I stock though the search continues

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Definitely search around here , I think theirs a freakshow giveaway thread

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Go to strainly you can find plenty



Ok bet I appreciate you telling me I will check it out.

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I love how that plants looks it is so beautiful

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7east def has a couple and I’ve seen a few more from random breeders, mostly regs but a few fems mixed in

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I’m trying out 2 now

the little teeny tiny seesling that just popped

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They are super duper duper slow, just keep in mind, !!!
Generally speaking anyway, anyone ive talked too said it took a second to get going <3

Mine is looking rather bushy and filling out its section of scrog net now. its a neat and STINKY little plant

Been my experience as well it grows slow like any inbred. But ya its more of a headstash grow it doesnt yield much, but its a unique plant to grow. The high is really good too i like it. Heres mine curing, smell is flowery and sweet musk. Really nice on the smell…


those are some dank buds really impressive grow

Thanks they would look way better if i trimmed the leaf. They do have a unique look to them, my only gripe is the buds are somewhat fragile hence me leaving the leaves on. It really is an all around good smoke though relaxing but not sedating. Heres the plant


It lools like a plant fr9m the jurassic era

Yes they certainly look like something from that era. Leaves are pretty wild looking. Theres a strain called ducksfoot that has weird leaves as well.

Tiny for a year of veg. i vegged mine for 6 months and its more than twice the size.