Freakshow growers is this norm?

Hey there everyone. Im growing out a freakshow and this lady is showing signs of flower or so I thought. I asked my buddy who grew a freakshow and he said his looks nothing like that when it started. Is this a male somehow? She has hairs at every node but these “buds” look off to me. Then again this strain is bred to be an oddity so im curious if anyone has grown this before and can offer a helping hand?


I know these are older I’m looking for younger pics

It’s hard to see your pics it looks ok but I’m no expert


It’s so damn unique it’s hard to tell but looking at @Blueridge pics I’d say it looks very similar imho


Looks kinda normal to me, for a freakshow. Freakshows are definitely different than other flowers


I really think this plant has some incredible potential, even beyond the crazy looks. Mine has flavor for days, and gives a super happy buzz.


I’m just skeptical because everyone else I’ve asked said that it looks like male pollen sacks forming since there isn’t any hairs coming from the bud sites

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Oddly enough, sometimes the tops appear bald on mine too. Last year I thought it was a pest nibbling my white hairs, but I kept up on my ipm this year, so…I think I know what you’re talking about though, a hairless bud kinda looks like a sack

Maybe that’s related to her inability to make a proper seed :thinking:

I gotta say though, I just switched over to look at those closer on a computer, and they do look strange as fuck.

Clone? Seed? Interesting.

Humboldts seeds

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I had a lot of people say she was a herm and a guy who grew it also agrees and posted up a current pic of his fresh in flower there was no comparison his had hairy buds and mine just looked like pollen sacks forming. I wasnt gonna risk it with 2 tents in flower and freakshow being overcrowded and too small anyways so I cut her. Maybe one day I’ll try again but for now the risk isn’t worth the reward with how small she was in comparison to the other plants she was with


Put apart a branch in a glass of water to see how it develops, that way you will finally find out … beer3|nullxnull


To bad. I’ve heard they can be hard to sex. :confused:


Some great smoke definitely reminds me of the late 90’s to early 2000’s smoke… and what a buzz very uplifting imo makes you get up and get something done instead of these hybrids that make you blah. No energy like older smoke everything is hybrid candy-berries and high only last for a hour.

Yeah I’ve found there hard to sex. I had ball shapes things all over the plant then hairs started appearing out of them. Very weird growing…I sprayed half my plant with Sts

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I agree they look pretty similar. I personally love the strain it’s not like most hybrids out here it’s pretty medicinal imo it’s in the terps.

More than likely it was cylax’s everyone also says the seeds are bad because so white but the stripes will rub right off. Crazy genetics

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