Looking for inbred Biker kush or SFV OG seeds to continue project

So I did a cross of Biker Kush V2 x Lemon slush last year that turned out really good. I found this one, out of 5 females, during single pack test run.
Tart lemon candy with a touch of gas on that one.
I still have the male lemon slush and I plan on putting that onto it but I’d like to go the other way as well with a BK male or a SFV worked line to up the gas.( and probably ruin the structure :grin:) but I lost the BK.
Anybody working these lines that wants to trade beans? I’ve got a lot of fresh gear I made this year from packs I bought 2017-19.



i won’t vouch for this seedbank, and it is in the EU, but seed boutique has some old karma gear they’re selling at full price.


I think Bad dawg (greatlakesgentics) made SFV x Long Bottom Fighter freebies >1yr ago.

IRRC long bottom leaf is SFV x Jackscleaner bx2 created by a guy name Loran…. And bad dawg made Long Bottom fighter by crossing LBL with Starfighter for more frost (I’m assuming). Shabud of 707seeds made SFV x LBL to make his Kush Cleaner btw — I’d check there to see if he hit SFV with Kush Cleaner to make a bx3.

Anyways…. If you think you’d use them, and don’t find a better option, I have 2-3 packs of the Bad Dawg freebie that you can have.


I’ve got an sfv og girl in flowering, get me some male sfv pollen and she can give us both seed


If someone else doesnt have interest I would, sfv crosses have been among my fav


Thanks for taking the time to send the details, I appreciate that and I’ll look into it.
Kinda want to fine something pure so I don’t make a bunch more work for myself by bringing in multiple new gene packets.


Wouldn’t that be nice!:grin:


707 seedbank has a SFV OG Kush bx3 for sale.
I hope this helps …


@Budderton I have bodhi uplift that I’m running right now, which i’d like to some day cross with SFVOG and Tahoe OG. I may be able to spare some beans of Uplift, but I’m guessing that’s not what you’re looking for…

I could swear I had a cross of SFVOG x Hell’s angels, but I can’t figure out what it’s called and seedfinder isn’t helping. Josh D OG might be one to look into, and I don’t know if Hurricane OG exists still, but that’s interesting.


Are you looking to male regular seeds? Sounds like it. All females huh? That’s a bummer when your wanting a run done on them. I can’t help with seeds but I do hope something comes of this.



You can source the BK out directly from Karma if you like

Karma Genetics

Thou it’s from Eu and no us shipping, but that I can help out or anyone from Eu who’s willing


Thank you for offering to help, I appreciate it.:pray:
But I’ve been able to trade for a few different seeds that I think will work for me. Time will tell…:thinking:


Looking forward to your stuff with this. I don’t see karmas genetics talked about enough here on OG. A truly world class breeder. Does things right.


Yah for sure! I’ve only grown his Biker Kush V2 but it was awesome! It was all the way OG Kush and I wanna try and get that into seed form.( We’ll see how that goes​:thinking:) I should have some beans made by around x mas, depending on how testing goes.:crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::grin:


Sounds awesome my brother :sunglasses:.

Doesn’t he have a biker Kush seed line already :sweat_smile:?

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Yes he does. I’m more referring to that classic OG type.
Lots of gas, with a pinsole background and face melting potency! Structurally, golf balls on a vine…:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: From what I’ve heard, it’s hard to select for and lock down. Time will tell.


I see what you mean lol.

Well if you do successfully I will be the first to buy a pack :joy:.

I’m looking around now for a good solid breeding OG… and I’m liking the Biker the most atm. He has so many though it’s hard to pick one :expressionless::sweat_smile:.


I’ve given thousands of seeds away, never sold one.:grin:
Probably never will. I do it so me, my family, and my friends will have something cool to grow for years to come. If I’m successful, there’ll be beans for whoever is interested.:+1: It’s all part of my service to the plant.:peace_symbol:


Yep. Karma is one of the breeders I hold in high regards! He knows how to select winners!


Well hell yeah man :sunglasses:! Your project sounds like it could match up perfectly with a line I have in mind for the future. Wishing you the best of luck :relieved::pray:.