Somebuddy In Europe can ship me some Karma beans? Il give you a few beans from the pak Nigel!

I was wanting some Karma beans OG! I do not see anything good in the USA all sold out! Does this guy grow 1 plant a year or wat? Is there anything in the USA? Or doIgotta finafren? Is there anyone in Europe that would be willing to work with me to get a few packs sent over so I can grow some JOSH OG!!! Il pay you some da cash /shitcoin or give you some beans for doing it! or maybe somebuddy on here has a few to trade even one or two plants is all I can handle anyway! I would buy them for sure (Thanks you very much in advanced OG science language.)

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Hopefully someone can help you


Shipping from Europe is up the wall at the minute had a package go missing for 10 days it’s floating around Holland at the minute


Ok maybe Il just try to find a clone from someone in the US. Maybe someone is growing some Karma plants here they mite want to sell me a clone Id pay out the yang you know for somebody making the effort to do all that. For the right plant you know.

if you’re looking retail Ive ordered from the following 2 places without issue. (1 shipment this week)

thats all i got for you.


Thanks… Dude hopefully I can find something I keep hearing how great these plants are.

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word, any in particular or across the board?

Not choosy nor impatient. I want to try this guys plants sometime in the future for sure. Trying to figure out a way to get a clone or some seeds.Id try anything that is good. Im running RIL SOWAH now got 8 plants popped so that’s half of a Karma plant.

Those shops have some good in stock seeds thank you. Will give it a whirl if I cannot find a clone in the US

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