Looking Sad, Watering Issue?

Am I watering too much or too little?

I feel like everything else is fine. Front Left looks very sad though.

Edit: I just watered that’s why the soil looks so wet. Pot felt light, but I also suck at gauging it.

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When watering are you soaking the pots and letting them dry before watering again or are you going “you look like you need 6ozs today?”

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When I wake up and check them if the pot feels light I’ll mist the soil and then come back in 20 mins and water the outer edge trying to encourage the roots to grow.

If I already watered the day before but the top looks super dry I’ll just mist the top soil.

Then I go to my plant log and enter in roughly how much water I gave and anything else I did. Usually have been watering once over 3 days. And like barely 1/2 a liter between all 4 1 gallons.

Been watering the little one less quantity wise since it’s younger

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I feel that you are overthinking it.

The roots don’t need that kind of help. They will grow.


That’s how I do it at least. Assuming the pot size relative to plant size is reasonable.

Best of luck and all the best.


I just can’t tell if I’m overwatering or under watering them at this point


I can’t really tell from your pics but maybe the one on the bottom left looks overwatered.

If they were my plants I’d let them dry then soak then dry then soak repeat. Just a little runoff so you know they are soaked.



Gotcha thanks

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Feel the weight of the pots while dry then once you’ve watered them also. Like @Foreigner states your overthinking stuff. Overthinking usually leads to more issues.
Stick a finger into the soil up to the 2nd knuckle and if it feels dry water. If not don’t :+1:


Get something like this.


There terrible lol I had one of these and another brand when I first started growing ph meters on these things are way off,had some shitty grows using these

Now I just do like everyone else does weight of the pot,and the finger in the soil,I read somewhere you water the plant then come back 10 minutes later and finish the watering,since the first watering always runs through the soil


I don’t trust the multi-meter, like you said, the pH portion is not accurate like you would expect it to be. But the moisture sensor works well enough for a quick check.



You’re overwatering.
And stop misting them.
Let the leaves breathe.
Roots need air too.

Keep your hands in your pockets.

In about a month you can maybe start considering to pour a glass of water in the trays. :smile: :green_heart: :v:


If you mist them there’s no need for the root to work

I agree stop misting them
And give them this


Cold floor messes them up


This is the one I use :+1::+1::+1::+1:

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That’s what my brother does waters the trays not the soil

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This way you create a perpetual climate for both aerobic and anaerobic microbes, instead of having repetitive drastic changes happen. With living soil always think in terms of maximum diversity and density of life.

I’d throw in some covercrop seeds next time @Habibi .
They will help regulate the moisture so you don’t have to. :sunglasses:


He grows good bud,uses water from his mates fish pond lol don’t even own a ph meter lol


I have one but haven’t used it in years. :upside_down_face: :smile:


So I watered them this morning @10 (lights come on @6) then posted the pic, but about 5 hours after watering they perked up.

So maybe I wasn’t giving enough water and it was underwatered?