Is there a doctor in the house?

She is in 3 gallon fabric pot with 70%ffof 30% perlite and amended with worm castings. After about 3 weeks i top dressed with down to earth 4-4-4 and at this point they were already looking hungry. I had been watering with distilled water until about a week ago when i started using tap water with a ph of 7 that had sat out for a couple days with an airstone. 5 days ago i gave her (and all the others) a compost tea made from worm castings, alfalfa, 4-4-4, and molasses but no improvement. The last couple days i put a teaspoon per gallon of epsom salt in the water but she is still not doing well. Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


How often are you watering?


Not a Dr but ph being at 7 might be effecting them ,also what ppm is your tap water . Iā€™d suggest a ph of 6.0 and a feed of around 300 ppm and flush to the run off matches those numbers . Then apply a full dose of LTFA till the pots dry .


I was watering every other day at about a litre per watering but they were getting very droopy so i started watering everyday at about a litre each

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Ppm of my tap water is 220


Looks like overwatering to me, possibly also a magnesium deficiency. Let us see what others thinkā€¦How tall are these plants, and how old?


I agree with Sasquatch, looks like over watering then causing a possible start of ā€˜lock outā€™.


Iā€™d say Sasquatch hit the nail on its head .


Believe it or not correct watering is the most tech part of the whole grow, I live in the tropics and itā€™s a tricky balancing act


They popped on 2/9 and are 18"-20" tall. The plant in the picture and another in the tent are both chempie but are very different pheno but both are heavy drinkers. After about 24 hrs their leaves were very noticably droopy but would perk right up after a water.


I use basically your same soil 75%FFOF/25%Perlite, when uppotting I go RO water, liquid kelp, cal/mag, silica at half rates. Usually donā€™t start using the FF trio I have on hand until I think they have pulled most out of my fresh soil (2-4 weeks depending on vigor and growth rate). When I use the FF Trio I have learned the hard way about using much more than half the published rates, have (recently) stressed my flowering ladies by going full rate. When my plants are approaching root bound and growing well, I water about 500 ml/gal of soil, like to see about 20/30% runoff. I water every 2nd to third day depending on pot weight ( not a scale, just by feel of the pot) feed every 2nd watering unless plants tell me Iā€™m overdoing itā€¦IF you have been overwatering since uppot, it could be catching up to you in lackluster root growth and nutrient uptake.

I would try and let them dry out for a few days and see what they tell you. ( I have not used fabric pots yet but imagine they will dry out faster than my plastic ones). If my thoughts are correct you should see improvement in several days. Also, good to know ph going in and also runoff ph.


The next time you run into @Sasquatch, you need to put the Entry Fee in the Tip Jar, you just got a FREE Seminar, my Man. Read 'n Heed there, Folks!!! SS/BWā€¦mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Runoff pH. Check it before you do anything else. I see underfed plants with pH lockout far more often than I see ā€œdeficienciesā€ on here.

Steer clear of distilled water unless you like adding calmag yourself. 220ppm tap is fine.

Itā€™s probably not overwatering if youā€™re using a light mix like Ocean Forest cut with 30% perlite.

Itā€™s probably not Magnesium deficiency if you added epsom and they got worse.


Water thoroughly and wait until completely dry with a light feel to the weight of the container. Then repeat.

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Whatā€™s the temp in your environment? If they perk up when watered it almost sounds like your top layer of soil is drying out considerably faster than the rest so maybe itā€™s too warm for the plants to drink evenly resulting in an over watered base layer in the pots.


My temps are 75-78 lights on and 72-75 lights off. I am having trouble keeping humidity up. Its usually between 35-40 with my humidifier on


An old trick is to put a bucket of water in the room to up the humidity, I used to use my a/c run off. Just make sure you donā€™t let the water sit for too long and go anaerobic. :call_me_hand:t4:

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Ok ill try that to keep my humidity higher and thanks everyone for all the help. Its nice knowing theres a place i can come to when i have a problem and get honest advice and help. I appreciate it!


Would adding o2 to the water help?

Iā€™m terrible at soil grows, but have found some limited success when I add an air stone and pump it with o2 for half an hour before I water. Possibly placebo or me getting slightly better at growing lol. Maybe something to try to avoid over watering - which I think is just lack of o2.

If they are in fabric pots I doubt some oxygen missing unless the soil is really compacted. Did you check ppmā€™s and pH of your runoff? :sunglasses:

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