Looking to trade

Who’s intrested in trading fem pollen for some seeds? I have a few strains on deck…and to be completely transparent the seeds i have to barder with came from fellow members here.
Don’t ask about the one on the top right…because i have the slightest clue…since i never heard of either strain i affectionately nicknamed it “Area 52”… :man_shrugging:t6:

•Aurora Borealis-[NL x NL]
•Afghan Skunk-[Skunk-1 x Afghan]
•Bad Santa-[ZK x NL]
…and i expained the last one so…


Why do you want Fem pollen and not male?

Do you prefer STS or Collodial Silver methods?

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I wish I did. I’d be all over that Aurora Borealis! GLWT!

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Im not confident in doing it myself yet…i have a fear of ruining the whole thing. Thats why i’m seeing if anyone in possession wants to trade with me.

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Williams Wonder is pretty legendary. It’s a 100% Indica with a fruity smell named after Willie Nelson. Never heard of the Kush strain though………


So its a OG strain?..that’s good news😊. I appreciate the info.

It’s exact lineage is debatable, some say one parent is Skywalker OG and others say it’s Afghani.

I have supposed pure sussman kush seeds from a trade here. When I asked the guy what it was he didn’t know it seems. Does anyone know about the sussman? I may have to pop them

I see what you’re doing :rofl: be nice.

I just want to know about the strain. The top right pack has sussman in it. My seeds say sussman I think yours say the same

Edit. My bad that’s definitely an “a”

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It’s sAssman kush tho🤣

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It might turn out to be some fire crossed with ol’ Willy…i’ll find out when i decide to pop them.

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So from my understanding fem pollen is to really lock in the female clone, not the plants you apply it to, you will be just as well served by applying male pollen to the clones you select tbh unless you know the clone personally or its like an elite clone only strain that you can verify personally. Just my .02.

You won’t ruin anything, as long as you take clones before attempting the pollinating, you would be fine.

I’m sure if you put a thread up about help in it, someone would walk you through every step of the way.

Anyway, sorry to get into a discussion on your thread, good luck.

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Williams Wonder is a legendary strain, but isn’t the one named after Willie Nelson. There is a Willie Nelson strain made with Vietnamese Black and Highland Nepali, created by breeder Reeferman Genetics. There’s a few unconfirmed reports that it is Willie Nelson’s favorite strain, and other reports that he bought an entire harvest of it so they named it after him. It won 1st place for Best Sativa at the 2005 HighTimes Cannabis Cup. :trophy:


Either way that’s a fun cannabis lore / tale. Me and my buddy copped an ounce for snoop in Tampa a little over a decade ago. That was cool even though we didn’t get to smoke it with him :rofl:.


That Vietnamese black is one of Willies favorites.He went to a dealer that had some and when asked how much he wanted he said “all of it”


Huh! I did not know that!

:cowboy_hat_face:i would really like to get a few seeds of Vietnamese black who has it to trade :mage:

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Don’t know of anyone offhand I see crosses with it pop up time to time on here.Check out the landrace and heirloom threads sometimes people might have some beans laying around.Haven’t grown this one out yet but from what I’ve heard it’s straight space weed

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