Loose bud formation with Autoflower

Hi there troopers,
I am a beginner grower with about 6 summers outdoors growing experience, 4 yrs Ive mixed my grows with AF(autoflowers) .
Over the last year of growing AF I have had 8 plants flower(4 last autumn) with very loose and airy bud formation. It is frustrating trying to understand why and how this is happening. Attached are pictures of a White Widow AF, but the loose bud issue has happened with AK-47 AF and Jack Herer AF.
I grow outdoors in pots/fabric growbags in various soil mixes.
pH of my grow mixes is approx 6.5. I pH tap water to 6.2 - 6.5.
This summer I am using Canna Tera + C Flores nutrients.
For 3-4 yrs I grew AF outdoors in pots/soil mixes with great results.

When the problem first occurred last year, I put it down to the root ball being exposed to cold temperatures as fall kicked in and the overnight temps were 3-5 deg’ C. The plants appear to grow normally but then something happens that causes this issue.
I have read that ‘shorter flowering varieties’ are prone to loose/airy bud formation?
After having 4 AF finish already with loose/airy buds, it is putting me off wanting to grow AF. It is disappointing to put in all the work/time growing to end up with a product that is unattractive from a selling point of view. That said, I use these loosie bud plants for edibles.
This summer down under (Tassie) is cool weather and early summer was non-existent with cold and wet conditions. I think the cold might have something to do with the issue? But other AF have flowered with tight/compact nugs grown in the same grow medium and conditions (water, sunlight, nutes).
I look forward to any replies?


I’m seeing plants that look in quite healthy.
Personally, I think that odd bud formation is genetic. No fault on you.



I agree with @Gpaw . Genetic . :+1:

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Thank I had the same problem with we autos last fall

:peace_symbol: and stay safe

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Simply genetics coupled with the drop in night-time temperatures. If prolonged, difficult for plant to restart/bulk up. Autos especially don’t like abrupt change in conditions (transplanting, cropping/topping, nutrient lockout, etc), not enough time to readjust/recover. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


I think your plants look healthy enough so strain/genotype is suspect. Some autos don’t do great outdoors IME.


They look good to me, genetics and strain play a big part, possibly amount of direct sunlight? I can’t really put in to much personal experience as I’ve only done a few small outdoor plants guerrilla grow style around yard. But amount of direct light daily seemed to play a part for mines bud structure and size

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Thanks for all the useful information all. When things go wrong it’s helpful to have experienced growers to speak with. I suspected the cold snap might have contributed to the issue. Nevertheless I will continue my AF growing efforts.
Contrary to popular opinion and what is written about AF, I have this to share:
This picture is of a outdoor JHAF. It was a runt of a seedling that stayed very small. Instead of tossing it and without much care I ‘trans-planted’ it into my backyard garden bed. Oddly it began to take off. I forgot it was a AF(lost track of labels) and topped it twice + LST to keep it below the fence line. It has turned into the largest AF I have grown, the picture is 2 days ago at 91 days(from germination). I think the root system has tapped into the leeching tea from the compost bin, which is adding to her bulk.


It’s a beautiful plant.

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Wow! Impressive! Major plus to AFs!

Those look like some pretty buds, and sticky too. They are great to grow outdoors, nice and easy. I am not sure that a short flowering time has anything to do with how dense the flowers are, but some other expressions in the DNA surely have a role to play. Maybe there is a correlation between the two, but not cause. Great job.

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I just grew a few ww autos and the buds were fluffy on all of them. Like others said i think its genetics. Those plants look good to me. :+1:

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