Lophophora's Peyote

Yeah that’s one way of cheating nature. Here’s proof:

Never hurts to chop something in half unless it’s really special to you.


anyone doing a yote seed run, membership in the way church has become, well a tourist thing I guess
cant see any shaman affording those prices for a sacrament.


So cool… How old are the buttons in this Tupperware? Sorry I know I’m like, 2 years late to the party.


Thank you. At the time of the photo the buttons were about two years old.

They have long since graduated to larger pots.


So when’s the peyote party? It’s the best way for OGers to mingle :joy:


why the hell are these things so hard to find in the usa? it makes absolutely no sense…
At one point I tried to enter the church it was just too cryptic… not like a walk to the desert to find the great spirit

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Many months later

I suppose outdoor cactus season is finally upon us, or at least finally upon Canada.

Where did I leave my outdoor cacti again?

Right, of course! I brought them in from the backyard eight months ago and left them balanced on the laundry sink in my dingy basement. I must have watered them… Thrice.

All things considered, not looking too shabby.

Time to relocate.


Much better.


Perhaps a period of cold is necessary? Or maybe they are like tomato seeds, requiring fermentation?
Very interesting read. I have a couple San Pedro going, but have never seen peyote, unless in a movie.


Man I cant wait till mine look like yours. With all the time required to grow them idk if I’ll be able to bring myself to dose on them one day lol.

Is there any chance you feel like schooling me a bit on grow cycle/environment? I read at some point they need a dark cycle or something for an extended period of time? Maybe to simulate winter or something?

Mine have spent literally their entire existence in this grow room, i try to keep them in direct or mostly direct light, I’ve taken to watering very infrequently but could probably use a better medium for them to be in. Its coco and clay pebbles right now. Also, are seeds just available online? Would they be trustworthy? Entheogenics are completely decriminalized in Ann Arbor in my state, would they have seeds do you think? I’m infatuated with cacti and succulents, I’d like a dedicated area to them one day.

Thanks for any time, energy, and wisdom you feel like bestowing upon me!


I think they lack the required moisture to germinate. I think most peyotes enjoy a wet season in their natural habitat whereas I’m negligent with watering all year round.

I understand all too well. I totally don’t advise eating them anyways, I grow them to appreciate their resilience and beauty.

I just run 'em under 2x40W T12s. Been meaning to upgrade but its worked for years.

Mexico only gets 13ish hours of daylight during the longest days so I run my timers 14-16 hours of daylight to make up for light intensity. Purely by coincidence mind you, I totally didn’t look this up when I started out but it’s been working for me.

I use store bought cactus soil. Always meant to whip up a specificly tailored cactus medium but life has been busy the last 15 years or so.

Yes, maybe, and I’m not sure.

Those are some great looking cacti. Whatever you’re doing, keep it up :+1:


Legal in NY too? I’ll have to look into it. Always wanted to try Peyote. Since watching young guns movie lol.
" did you see the size of that chicken?!"


I thought peyote and seeds were federally illegal in the US.

Don’t take my word for it though, I thought Ann Arbour was a state until I looked it up.


I thought she was a fashion model.


I thought this deserves an honorable mention:

Just gorgeous.

One of my biggest fears is having my identical twins burst forth from my nipples. It could happen to you…

This is new to me. I never realized the thicker brown callous tissue that builds up around the bottom of grafts and around the base of plants has a fresh green layer waiting underneath.

Is it because of the pup trying to force itself from the base of the graft that the callous is breaking free? I’ve read lots of accounts of cacti developing a thick brown corky flesh when exposed to pesticides, but none of those stories involve the outer flesh cracking off to reveal new cactus underneath. Never used pesticides so this isn’t applicable. I just figured the flesh calloused from lack of light or constriction.

Here’s some shots of my outdoor collection taken today at high noon:

We had some solid rains in June, I had to dump out the tray two or three times because it was flooded to the brim but haven’t had any real committed precipitation since.

It’s still not in my interest to intervene, they look fine. If you notice the red colouration around some of the lower areoles that’s the cacti outgrowing their early summer sunburn.

I don’t have too much to share otherwise, things move pretty slow.


Wooooo, we made it to the big leagues! :partying_face:

That thing is wild looking, crazy long tufts too!


What sort of soil and process do you suggest for starting Peyote seeds?



Gutsy question, I like it!

For a starting container I prefer one of those plastic glad ziplock containers with a few holes poked in the bottom or a seed starter tray.

As for soil I’ve always used store bought cactus soil, just not the miracle-gro variety.


Hey @Gpaw

if you come on my side
I have some Peruvian torch
am thinking to cut and root.

I have too many in the same pot
so they stay skinny.



Another couple years and cactus should thrive in the Southeast here.


Glad I asked …(I would have soo… screwed that up on my own… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)
