Losing my soil supplier

I’ve run into the same problem. Love to grow in roots original… both my local suppliers closed there doors. Just got a 2.2 cubic ft bag of premier peat moss at Wally world for $11. I have the roots uprising grow bloom and foundation nutes mixed in my old promix with added addmendments… mixed roughly 1 part recycled to 2-3 parts new peat… Seams to work so far…

you could check hardwarestores, or if you have those, agricultural suppliers, around you for the components of that soil you used

Roots Organic 707 INGREDIENTS: (from their website)

Coarse Peat Moss, Composted Virgin Forest Material, Perlite, Coco Fiber, Pumice, Earthworm Castings, Feather Meal, Bat Guano, Non GMO Soybean Meal, Fishbone Meal, Greensand, Volcanic Rock Dust, Kelp Meal. Also contains beneficial mycorrhizal fungi: Funneliformis mosseae, Rhizophagus intraradices, Septoglomus desertícola to enhance uptake of plant nutrients, increase root biomass, and help container grown plants resist stress

it really depends on what you want to achieve with your soil if you build it yourself, some people want it to loose water quickly, other want it to keep it, some want to go OCD on nutes, others want nature to take care, some want it simple, others want a biosphere to marvel at and the tastiest of buds. im not sure yet myself XD

if you wanna stay soil

-as a base medium, peat with some coco thrown in seems good to me. i always use a drainage layer of rocks, or perlite likes.

-id def suggest to get somin for early root building, a mushroom of the right kind, worm castings and the like, or simply seedling and herb soil that has a healthy mixture…
thats usually the best dirt imo, the more the merrier, but add some coco and possibly perlite for fluffyness and airation.

-depending on how much you want to depend on your soil for nutes, or rather prefer to use some liquid ferti you can then add stuff to support vegetation and bloom.

some common ones you might find at most hardware stores (sometimes hidden behind brand names):
-chicken manure is cheap and great, if they ate well (basicially all we ever used for landscaping)
-algae, kelp and fish, but beware heavy metals
-dolomite lime for CalMAg, or (bird) sand and epsom salt
-horn shavings
-buddy and pioneer plants

def read around here, OG has dozens of experiments going in that regard, people try all kinds of weird and fun things for nutes… nail clippings? sure! the cats fur? hell ya! coffee? why not! some coco milk? of course! But its basicially the same “normal” plant people do too, they might have ideas that suit your environment and situation aswell.

these are not mutually exclusive nor do you need em all, you gotta find out what you have available in your environment for free, what you can get for cheap and easily, and how you can mix that up to create a balance in which your plants thrive.

Theyre like people doing pro sports, depending on environment and activity they need nutrients, a certain amount of each until it is satisfied, at which point it has energy to increase intake and output further.

Organic soil has the upside of managing that kinda on its own as long as it has the nutes available somewhere in the worldwide mushroom network,
unless the whole system breaks down due to whatever bs happens, hot soil, salination, standing water, mold, no oxygen, etc.

I understand that you want the best soil you can get but realistically its just dirt. Walk outside your house and look down. Its laying on the ground everywhere. :rofl: Now granted you should add some compost and organic matter to it. Your plants will only take what they need and as long as it is organic it probably wont hurt them. Start a compost pile and throw all your used soil on it to be recharged with life and nutrients. I reuse all my soil and often have volunteer seedlings come up. That is truely a gift from the Universe. :rainbow:


His shop is in Neosho
17262 Kodiak Rd.,

Neosho, MO. 64850

He has been in business for many years. I knew him on a site such as this which is no longer online.


I get the bag soil and compost from local grow shops or garden stores. The amendments I order from either Amazon or Grow Green Michigan. The worm castings I make myself, really good stuff. After I mix it up I let it cook for at least 3 months.


make your own – control whats in it :+1: unlike opening a gnatty bag of gnats



:raised_hand: :raised_hand: :raised_hand: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :metal: :metal: :facepunch: :facepunch: :facepunch:


Hey Kraken I have an experiment going on. On my outdoor crop of Blueberry Muffins I am using Build a Soil, Craft Blend as a top dressing and nothing else. Usually I use Advanced Nutrients Organic Line. If I have good results I will try one of their 3.0 Soil Building Kits plus Craft Blend. So far so good one plant is 8ft tall and I think it’s still stretching.


I use coots mix as well. It’s easy to make and the ingredients were easy to source.


Coots mix ftw!


What did you use before you used the Coots? How are the terps with it ?

I used Subcools super soil, from his book. TLO I believe it was called.

I buy foxfarm ocean forest from a wholesale greenhouse/landscape supplier for cheaper than my local grow shops can get it. Search around you for something similar. The place i go to has an open to the public policy. Some don’t but with some of them all you have to do is make an account with them which most times doesn’t require anything special.

Ive used green house megastore in the past. Not sure if they carry roots but i was getting royal gold kings mix and id say they are similar