Any one having issues getting their soil this year?

I had a friend drive in from town asked if I needed anything. I said yes cus he has a truck and I could save delivery charges on my Promix BX bails. No dice the stores needed 3 days to get the order ready. I spent the last two days just trying to get a hold of the two stores in my little town
to get some bails delivered. One store asked to leave a message then the mailbox is full the other store picked up the phone on day two but have the wrong ProMix. I went back online, I tried to get the store to store shipping, It takes 3 weeks and the area of the website where I try to do it does not work. I called customer service forced to leave a message.
In conclusionScreenshot_2021-05-07 Pro-Mix All-Purpose Garden Planting Mix - 112 L has ANYONE tried to use the PROMIX All-purpose ( the cheaper one with the pics of veggies.


I work at a nursery/grow shop. This year soil has been really hard to get a hold of and keep in stock. It’s a combination of COVID messing with production and distribution, a huge run on gardening supplies while everyone was stuck at home, and several states going recreational this past election cycle. Hope you find your dirt.


so this promix is not a true soil less. my plants are 2-3 feet so they may not burn from the hot soil ( hot as in nutes) Have you heard of anyone guesstimating when to add more nutes part through near the end. I may be stuck with this soil. Have not ordered yet. on the verge.

Can’t help you there, only promix I have experience with is the HP (high porosity). Hopefully someone else chimes in.

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I am reading a thread about Miracle Grow, What a day, what a day. lol I did everything right this year but secure the soil I wanted. lol

This is my go to.

and i add perlite to it.

2x 5 gal of promix to 1x 5 gal of perlite

The only place I’ve been able to find my BX is at local stores, and a few grow stores have them in stock. all big box stores are out, like home depot and lowes

for the love of god, dont use MG. If worst case, make your own medium.


I use that version of Promix.
I understand that it is the same as the bails except that the peat is stained and a little more broken down as it comes from a different layer. (and cheaper) :+1:

You should be OK using it with the usual amendments.



I am having issues getting ahold of the set product, BELIEVE ME, I am trying. My next-door neighbor has a hardware store even. free delivery but he charges 65 bucks a bail! and he needs like 3 weeks warning, I went with him last year. The bigger stores (2 of them) one won’t answer the other has this, my two options as I know them. ( as of this moment. hey someone may answer the phone, who knows) This is what I am seeing out there. this year.

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Really, the price IS tempting.

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Go with the promix over the MG…

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1 vote for B

Option B

In a moment of desperation (I exhausted my Wegener’s).
I grabbed a bottle of the Promix ferts… It’s OK…



feel lil better knowing someone has used it. I still have 3/4 a bail PRO MIX BX no so condensed, as I just used it for indoor. Plants have been in BX getting Gen.Hydro for couple months. I suppose I can keep at least one in what it is used to with the 3/4 of a bail.

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I find the big sizes of everything are sold out. I need more PROMIX damnit.

Even dog food in couldn’t find the bulk sizes.


I AM THE WORST lol I take forever to emotionally digest the extra cost of delivery so I put off the call, had I known I would have hoarded way back. I have been raking leaves into piles, and composting my food scraps but I haven’t made real sense of my composting situation. I need a connect with manure on the back of a truck and a wood chipper to speed that up. Making soil takes so many components, I like pete those bails are crazy cheap but then you need lime I guess other stuff like bone meal and worm castings. I should be randomly buying parts of what i need so eventually I have most of it here. I wonder if Pro Mix will be like play stations and cabbage patch dolls during x-mas this time of year. I may have to start storing and flipping pro mix. Mark it up 5% and beat any interest the bank with give you.

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They are a desirable right now. Could go away any second. I’d happily pay a premium.

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Not sure how well it works but walmart of all places started carrying this this year

For $12 a 2cu ft im gonna try it. I looked it all up n it does need some amendments and probably more aeration so ill add them. Heres its ingredients. Has myko in it already. i think itll work once amended. Ill find out. Anyone used this before. First time i ever saw it. Im grabbing more. They had 2 pallets and its almost gone. Lot of people growing all the sudden.


Never tried it personally. Wishing ya luck tho.I got through to the store that didnt answer, they got it but no one cool answered the phone means full$75 shipping charge. Had a bro with a truck two days ago wish he was still here. Other store has the wrong pro mix but only $25 for shipping.

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That is the only kind around here


Maybe I should get some more.
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling: