Lost lil seedlings needing direction

thats for clarifying, thats exactly what I was thinking, “jiffy pellets” as in “kill yer seeds in a jiffy” to me…

Many new gardeners also don’t realize roots need to breathe, and too much water can and will drown them or cause other problems like damping off… Less is more in the beginning, I’ve found. Get a $14 soil moisture meter, you’ll be surprised how you think its dry, and it will say its moist, and when you think its moist its really super wet.

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I’ve ran autos in 10’s before just testing the waters Bruce banner 3 really needed it too, as an across the board now I just stick to 5, leaves enough room for the average auto. I use the same soil start to finish but don’t do any AACT feedings till around 2-3 week when they start to get at least 5 finger leaves, soil usually has enough light nutrients leftover to carry them till their first feeding without any noticeable deficiencies, autos are around 10 days and get a half dose

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Yup! I’ve killed 350 bucks in seeds in those when I first started growing, won’t make that mistake again! That’s exactly what they do! I grew shrooms for years too, getting our substrate(horse shit) to the right moisture content truly was an art and same rules apply with soil. You should be able to grab a handful of soil and squeeze it hard as u can and should see at most a drop or two or nothing feeling like rung out sponge, anything soggy or dripping a bunch is asking for problems, ppl think plants need water usually overdoing it but they don’t think of how important an airy loose soil is too, well if it’s full of water it’s not airy or loose it’s mud. When we were laying our shit tubs in shrooms we actually had to wring out the shit and intentionally fluff it back up as we layered the tubs

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Well that explains it, wasn’t even the cannabis seed that sprouted, just something else random in my soil prob from when I was growing veggies lol