I need some help with seedlings

Hey there everyone! I’m sure someone has asked this here somewhere, but I could not find it. I have had 4 to 5 what I’d consider successful grows now in a row (I’ve probably had 5 grows that wouldn’t meet that criteria). Anyways, my point is, this is an issue I did not see myself struggling with. I’m thinking maybe my soil is hot? Here is my “method”:
1)presoak seeds in distilled water and h²o²
2)plant seedlings in seedlings trays ( will fit 6 seedlings)
3)keep the room between 80 in the day and 70 at night
4)water when the leaves begin to show signs of thirst.

So here’s my issue. I get past the cotyledons and maybe one set of leaves, then boom…they just stop. I’ve had this happen to about 6 babies now. I’m going to go grab some Happy Frog in the morning and see if that fixes the issue.

I was wondering if yall could share with me your step by step process for seedlings?

I’ve had basically zero issues cloning, so I’m finding it bizarre having these issues with seeds lol.

They don’t get much bigger than this…


color wise they dont look overfed to me (what is in your soil btw?). even if you up-pot from those they still stay that size? whats your light like?

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Thats whats weird. I still don’t see the tap coming from the bottom. I tried using soil from a previous grow, just re-ammended but with organic seed starter.
It could also be that I use well water? It usually has a pH around 8.2, and I bring it down to around 5.8, but I notice its stubborn and slowly climbs back up

For me, I just went through something similar, this happens when the soil is out of whack either too hot or ph is off. My last grow i did organic bucket that I had 3 seeds pop in, they all stunted 2 eventually got past it but the last stayed just as big as yours are for months. Try using coco or seed starting mix for the first 2 weeks before you feed or give any nutrients. They have everything needed already. Happy Growing.


Honestly, I figured this had to be it. Thanks for the reassurance homie!

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I did the same thing, put my seedling straight into the soil from last run. Some times they can take it others they just sit there looking healthy but they don’t move. It is crazy seeing 4 month old plant working on 3rd set of leaves.


Just use some Sunshine mix4 and tap water until first real leaves.
Start using Jacks pro 20-20-20 at 1\2 tsp.per gal. Tap water.
Comes out around 3-3-3 at that ratio.
Do that until about ten days away from done and then use plain tap water.
Easy and will give you incredible results if you have the environment down.


Those little buggers should be lighting their 2nd stages and taking off at that point. I agree with the others soil and maybe water.

Yeah… There be dragons… It’s taken me 3 years to figure out how to do that correctly… (maybe… :wink:)
I’d suggest: 1/3 peat (Pro-mix), 1/3 perlite (or sim), 1/3 EWC (earthworm castings) mix and let it sit for a month (adj. as you see fit).
Water should usually be pH adjusted.

That will kick them into second gear but I need to up-pot in veg and also flower.



They look kinda leggy, maybe from not enough light. When I have this issue I’ll “gently” place them in a solo cup and bury them up to the cotyledons. Get a little air blowing across them is a plus as well.


Yeah legs show lack of air movement.
They aren’t gone yet though. I’d put em in solos in drier soil, bury the most of the stems and get em close to the light with air moving. They should grab n go for it.


100% what rooted said that tap root needs a place to go. I usually will plant straight into a beer cup leaving a couple inch’s room for more dirt to compensate the stretch.


This seems like a smart play. @ShiskaberrySavior

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It’s best to use a medium that has no nutrients in it to start seedling ( promix / and perlite added ) and water ( use tap water it needed the minerals ) from below roots need to travel downward towards the water

Roots will tend to develop slowly if being feed ( so if soil has nutrients they’ll feed and grow slower)


When i do organic I always use the party cup trick.
Two translucent 50cl(you might have other measurements) party cups, one with the dirt in and one as a lid. Pre moisture the soil before you fill the cups with a garden sprayer, fill the cup with the dirt, poke a 1inch hole, place the seeds with the sprout down,cover it with dirt, spray with a garden sprayer where you planted the seed, cover with the over cup and put some tape to hold it in place. Done :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Its a huge tip to use a garden sprayer when working with organic soil.

Up pot when you feel that the roots need somewhere to go.

Heres a very resourceful video about how to take care of seedlings and take a notice how big pots he got for the seeds to sprout.

Pz :v:t2:


I did the same thing.

That is just crazy to me…I’ve never seen plants that age stay that small…I didn’t know it was possible, they are definitely stunted and they look great, that’s what so puzzling.
I personally would start some new seed unless I was just wanting to see if I could bring them out of it. Everyone has given excellent advice as to what to try. I’ve had plants that didn’t thrive, but I usually cull them if it is too bad. I always just figured it was a bad seed. I’m curious to see what happens…good luck

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