Love for "Member of the Month"

I was talking about that meme dude, “starting from the beginning” in terms of all the goofy photoshop work that’s bound to come now that I found your avatar (all respectfully done and in good, loving fun, of course). As far as whatever drama just got hinted at is concerned, I don’t need to read that thread to know what you’re about buddy. Talk is cheap in my book, you’re out there doing good for everyone every day, that’s what shows what kind of person you really are as far as I’m concerned. I’m sure there have been misunderstandings over the course of your tenure here, but I’m also sure that whatever went down could be resolved amicably with a reasonable dude like yourself if not taken to a public forum to try to defame you in front of others. I got no time for drama and all the time in the world for hanging out with good folks like yourself. That’s how I feel about it anyway.


Well said. If you read the thread you’ll find that this was nothing more than an unfounded temper tantrum, Doug did absolutely nothing wrong.




Lol that was a lame ass argument/fight. Why is that being talked about again…

It’s January 22 y’all.


That Veterans giveaway was nothing but kindness and a show of good human faith.I was helped and facilitated throughout the whole process by what I’d like to call professional people who went out of thier way to help out me and my fellow veteran brothers and sisters.To be honest I got some of the best genetics money can buy for nothing but a thank you.If anyone has any bullshit to say about it then you need to look in the mirror and ask that person you see what I did today and how I could have made it better.If I’m reading some of this wrong then I’ll apologize now but I’ve had a run in or two with a couple of assholes on this site and they know who they are and they like to start shit for fun.Another reason I was told besides the bean snipers that this site had such a high turnaround.Doug we all love you man thanks to you Bigmike,Corey and way too many names to rattle off with the exception of a couple shitheads you guys are outstanding.Don’t take any guff from those swine.


Gosh, what nonsense. I missed that thread originally but just read it through and it was so clear from every single post you made their you had nothing but the best intentions @DougDawson


He’ll, I didn’t want any flak over that Giveaway. I just wanted to be involved in something for my ‘brothers-in-arms’. I thought it was a cool idea that Irishrocker came up with. I had no idea until later on that anyone had a problem. I’m sorry it turned bad for brother Irish, but his idea turned out great for a lot of Vets. That’s the important thing.


I still love the both of them. Even when that love goes unrequited, that’s a-ok with me.


I agree 100% The goal was met and many vets got packages with much help from you brother. If the only negative was me having to take crap from one user than it was well worth it and I would do it again.


Doug is cool af and one of the first ones to help out and he gave me seeds. We should change the name to Overdoug.


I definitely agree. We have some fantastic members here who do a lot for each other.


But dude, those seem to be your specialty… I’ve seen how you diffuse things here, I know :wink:

Yeah, unti @Slick1 influences you. Just one dare, and thats it, I will be scared to see that troll. you all know how his mind works!

That was the only thing. It was brought to fruition… Lots donated, lots of vets got beans, in the end it was a success… Really surprised anybodys feelings being hurt was even an issue there, it was about the vets, not the sponsors, or the organizers. we all need to remember… Sometimes its not about you…

Now on to Doug… This is a Roast, right? Wait no? Wrong room? I think he’s “Good People”. I would easily mistake him as a mod here based on his activity level and his interaction with the general populace. I was surprised to hear him say once he had anger management issues, when it seems like he’s usually the one finding common ground and diffusing situations… With an endless supply of beans, and a corresponding desire to spread the beans, I swear he’s on his own agenda to overgrow the world. And although we’ve had opposing views on some subjects (wiki wars for example), we have discussions on the subject, instead of just making demands, and end up with a better understanding of each others views. Overall, I’d say Doug’s an OG to the core, and a valuable member here…

I’d do a shot of whiskey to toast ya bud, but I’m not a drinker. Gonna smoke a nice bit of hash instead :slight_smile:


I just said in another thread that I seem to inspire the darkness in others :laughing: It makes me quite happy though :grinning:


Sounds like @DougDawson might have a stalker lol. At the very least a huge crush on him. No joke aside you are a cool cat bud!


Thanks all, more kind words to start my day, much appreciated. You all make OG a special place that I am happy to be part of. I appreciate you all.


What can I say about Doug???
He’s like that annoying newlywed husband that moved in next door with his new bride… He makes every husband around look bad!

Seriously though, I have seen him step in and quite skillfully guide a conversation away from what could have been a blowout argument.
That alone tells me a lot about the man. His open generosity backs up my opinion.


I think that I actually nominated dude for President before, maybe it was @corey or @nube or was it @misterbee :thinking:
Come to think about it it could have been a number of fine OG members. But Dougie @DougDawson is a very busy body! Always amazed at his energy here, he’s in every thread!


LOL, ever vigilant :wink: