LSD Seedling: Early stage discolored tips

Hey guys. I recently moved my plants indoor but I still have one going outdoor.

This outdoor LSD seedling is demonstrating early signs of burnt tips on the bottom few as you can see here. Even the left hand new growth is showing some burning but it may be hard to see in the image.

I can’t seem to figure out what this could be. This is potted in Royal Gold Mendo Mix and nothing else. They have all been in the Mendo Mix and nothing else has showed any burning so I’m not sure if it is hot soil or what.

Any insight is appreciated.


As I see it in the new growth, could be Manganese or even Iron, but it is only a speculation so others can correct me … :smiley:


That’s interesting. I have never had to supplement mag this early but I have some in the event that I do.

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I was actually thinking it may have been manganese deficiency in my last grow. The pattern fits too well😬 something for me to keep in mind for next grow. Though I’m growing autos next for a change of pace.


Did you supplement to correct it? I have some.calmag but I have never had to run it this early.

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I’ve had some heavy feeders show deficiency signs early on. I never figured it out soon enough to help them and just played catch-up the rest of the grow :grimacing:
I don’t have any calmag. I use gypsum and Epsom salt, but before my next grow I’ll be getting supplies to help in case of issues again.

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Got ya. I will probably try a light calmag feeding tomorrow then.

I am kind of just seeing what happens with this one outdoor plant now but I still want to try to set it up for success.

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If it’s manganese though I’d try to find a source of that too.


At that stage of the game, I don’t think it’s an issue with the soil. I would look to watering or environment. Just a guess. :v:

Edit: I should say not a soil deficiency. Might be a bit too hot for that small of a plant.


Oh damn I was reading Magnesium this whole time lol.

I will have to find a supplement for Manganese then. If you or anyone have any recommendations feel free to shoot them my way.


Yeah I’ve just been relying on the soil nutes which have been more than sufficient typically. Especially this early.

Water wise I am within spec and environment has been a little cooler than I would like the past few days. I move it inside at night just to avoid the drops in temp but daytime temps are low to mid 70s until the last couple of days where they dropped to mid/low 60s


A foliar of manganese sulfate seems to be the most available form to fix a deficiency. Though if your soil drains well and not too quickly I’d say a light feeding would help correct the soil level a bit. Just go easy on them as it seems like some burnt tips are in some leaves.

Personally I think it looks fine and would let it get a bit bigger to see if it shows any further issues :thinking: