Please help ID deficiencies

Only a few weeks old planted in royal gold kings mix. I have been feeding 7.2 ph tap water since sprout, im going to go to 6.5 from now on. Any idea if this is a magnesium deficiency??


Good you’re starting with PH, I have found that most nutrient deficiencies start with PH issues. It also depends on your medium. 7.2 is pretty high for coco but not bad for soil. I would adjust to 6.5 for soil and 5.5-6.0 for coco and see if she adjusts well. If not try an epsom salt foliage spray at light out for a hit of magnesium.

I’ve found this page helpful for any issues, really good diagnosis tool.


Ph is really important growing cannabis. The thing that gets me is your in soil. Is royal gold kings mix a bought pre made soil or a recipe you’ve followed??
A pre mixed soil should have buffers to keep the pH in range.
What’s the runoff ppm?? I’m thinking maybe the soil is too hot.

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Thanks for that chart!
Im going to feed 6.5 ph water today and if symptoms continue to worsen ill add a bit of cal mag or maybe even buy some dolomite lime i just read into that being a nice additive for my soil… not sure tho never used it only heard the name a few times. I usually never had any issues this early on in veg so im a little confused but i would like to take the proper steps to correct the issue starting with ph

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Its a premix i bought. I heard a lot of good stuff about their soil

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I doubt it’s a ph problem then buddy. Can you check the runoff??

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So i havnt even soaked the pots til run off yet since im so early on i just give them a few ozs of water and no real run off yet. Im going to soak the pot today tho with 6.5 ph water and i will tell you the ppm shortly

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In soil usually no need to alter the pH.
Water until runoff happens and check the ppm. If its hot flush your plant until the runoff is an acceptable range.

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Checking ppm in anything organic is futile. You’ll get misqurd readings every time. I’d your using a municipal source of water it had been pre-treated with minerals for taste. Carbonates are binding your calcium and Magnesium up as is the high pH further adding to the problem.


Ok so soil must be too hot… check this out ppm went in at 150 and came out at 1700!.. only a small bit of run off since its a 1 gallon pot. This is all the run off i got since i didnt water much maybe a 1/4 of a gallon.

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Is royal gold kings mix organic?? I’m uk so I don’t have a clue. I just know most soils have buffers and it keeps stuff in range.

Yea its organic out of Humboldt in CA

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Thanks man. I think the soil is too hot and what you said is happening both at the same time.


If you can use 0ppm water. Otherwise you can neutralize the carbonates with an acid. Vinegar works well. Use it at a 1:500 dilution and don’t pH. Your microbials and the plants natural exudates will equalize the rhizosphere


It all starts with the ph I run in promix bx mixed with perlite

I set my feed to 6.0 to 6.3 every time I feed or fill the reservoir

I definitely would adjust ph and spray with Epson salts it works wonders

They also love liquid kelp


Kelp for the win. Kelp aids recovery and when foliar fed works mega quickly.


Unsulfured Blackstrap Molasses can provide you with your cal/mag and a kick of K. Plus it’ll rev up the microbes and free up more of the cal/mag that’s already in the soil.


Could i use this while feeding? For example i could do the 1:500 ratio on a gallon of water, add nutes and then dont ph or i should ph before feeding in the future

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I have extreme serene by roots organic which is a liquid kelp based organic nutrient. You think i should do a foliar spray (never done a foliar spray before any tips or is it as simple as it sounds)? Or wait and see what happens in the next couple weeks?

@Esrgood4u any input on the extreme serene ? Unsure if i should spray n pray or wait it out a bit

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This is from there label

  • Use Extreme Serene in conjunction with any nutrient program or as a foliar feed.

Use in moderation at lights out don’t soak

It will help


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