Lux at canopy

Hey guys so just a question I’m in week 4 ofwer and my light is on 70 percent I’m in a 4x4 I have an enlite 780 flora pulls 780 watts from the wall the chips are samsung 2.5 micromole per jul,I have it set at 560 watts because I have no c02 and wasn’t trying to push it so I have a lux meter and the lux at the canopy ranges from about 40-50 lux and the light is anywhere from 17 inches to about 23 inches is this decent for flower or should i turn it up

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Sound ok, I`m between 15-20 first week and pushing it towards 40-50k after a week.

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Pics or it didn’t happen…

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Here are a couple of the latest charts from Fluence which provides decent guidelines:

And, CO2

where the 400 PPM is essentially no supplementation (it is the average normal atmospheric concentration for CO2).

Now, most argri light measurement is in PPFD using the umol/m2/s unit for the photsynthetically active region. You could probably estimate the LUX to umols conversion but it’s hard to know what spectra is being measure with a generic LUX meter. If you get into this in more detail, you may want to consider obtaining a PPFD meter since it’ll be easier and more accurate over the long haul.