Too much light

I’ve still been trying to dial in this enlite 780 watts full spectrum 3500k with red diodes,there about 20-24 inches away and at about 400 watts is that to much for veg? how high would you guys hang these lights? And at what wattage all I have is a lux meter the lux is hitting around 30k

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I have a 650w and 800w led. I hang them as high as I am able and just turn them down, much easier than moving lights. In veg just start low and work your way up, if plants start to stretch between nodes turn it up till they stop a bit at a time. No need for a meter, the plants will tell you. Better to have less light and turn it up rather than too much light. A little stretching will do them no harm.


How big is your space?

I have a dimmer but I don’t use it. I either move the lights to fit or put spacers under the pots to fit.

I find there are too many variables with dimming. Many do it the other way :+1:

Dimming MH or HPS alters spectrum but Dimming led doesn’t. What variables are you referring to?

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I’m talking about LEDs specifically.

It’s just a dance I don’t want to do. X power at X distance which needs to change based on height so do I raise the light or fiddle with the dimming?” I choose to move the light. It’s just easier on my brain.

18” full power is good for veg and 12” for flower. For me anyway.

You’ve chosen the opposite which is to have static lights and adjust power which is fine too it’s just not the way I do it.


That’s cool, many move their lights and if that works for you than great. I was just curious about the variables you mentioned. I wouldn’t call either way wrong, more just preference.

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Well you could argue that I could save X kw/h and be right but it’s worth it to me. I have a small efficient 100w rig for veg and then I move them under my 300w flower rig and let them veg there for a very short period of time.

It’s so brief that it’s hardly even worth mentioning.

My point is guess is pick one and roll with it. Adjusting height and intensity at the same time doesn’t sound like fun to me :+1:

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For me it’s 650w in a 4x4 and 800w in a 5x5 so there is more power than needed IMO. Because I can get much more PPFD than needed at any stage with lights mounted high it just made sense to mount them high and use the dimmer. I do have a Quantum Par meter as well for tweaking if needed. When I ran HPS/MH I moved the light so I didn’t effect the spectrum. Nothing wrong with moving them if that works for you.


Yeah I run 300 in a 2x4 so our w per sq/ft is similar. We also both use mars products so we’re pretty close.

If I vegged under the 300 start to finish I would consider doing it the other way.

I like things as simple as possible in my old age :joy:


there is a conversion for lux to par that may help you understand where you are at.

Looks like the conversion is around 481.11 umol/s/m2

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