LzBoy's Lounge - Perpetually growing OG beans

July 31st they went into 12/12.
The PPP show no sign of seeds and they have been grown together.
As long as they aint pollen sacs that will explode, I’ll grow it out. I guess. I’ve Put to much into them. Even to make some dry ice hash.
This might be my first serious problem I’ve run into as a noob. Thought it would be bugs for sure :roll_eyes:


Oh, my outdoor hasn’t shown any signs of being pollenated.
But I also could of missed a hermie sac :man_shrugging:t2:
Guess I’ll wait n see. Thanks


If they are seeds, it’s most likely that everything else in the tent does have seeds, especially if you have fans blowing around the air in there.

If that’s not the case, and your outdoor isn’t showing any signs of pollination, then they could just be swollen calyxes.

A telltale sign of pollination is that the pistils shrivel and turn orange/brown. Then a week or two later, you start seeing the pregnant calyxes swelling up.


Upped the Chemdog x Meat Breath out of their solos. A good dunk in azos, a quick watering. Back in the veg tent.

Some nice root structure, as expected from these beauties. :green_heart:
Would it be better to just chop the entire flower tent?
Do a complete clean?
And make hash out if it now?
Or wait and see what exactly I’ve got?
It does look like all the plants have some sort of seed pods forming :roll_eyes:
I had thought earlier that the PPP just had swollen, but I’m second guessing myself now.
If I leave em all and get seeds. They will be garbage correct?
Well prone to hermie.
That’s something I’m not giving back to the OG world.
Top of the PPP.

The K4ssdd…

And 3 shishkaberry :sob:

On a good note the Bucs kicked ass today!
Baker played like a man possessed.
Mike Evans is a beast!
And we got a run game!!!

Have a great night.


Anyone have a suggestion?
If I’m going to make hash, should I take them to the end?
Or cut my losses now?
Clean up the tent. Start fresh?
I have no clue what to do.

If your plants in the flower room were hit with pollen from a hermaphrodite, you will be guaranteed female seeds with a less chance of hermaphrodism in the new strain.


Seriously? So keep em and finnish em then?
Well this is unexpected great news then.
I had thought the beans wouldn’t be useful to anyone. But… But… Fems? Fooook me.
I’m ok with that.
I’m actually blown away by this news. Thanks THCeed :pray:


Yes, when a plant pollinates itself, it is called rodilization, and no males are involved, so it’s completely female pollen. It’s the same as when we make the female produce pollen with STS or colloidal silver.


Ahhh. You are a wealth of info :call_me_hand:.
I had thought that rodilization happened when you grow a plant way past it’s maturity and it thinks, ok no males around. Time to seed myself.
Boy I wish I had more that a year under my belt growin.
So, just so I’m understanding… a plant that is female, that hermies. That pollen is more prone to be female pollen. So if it pollenates the other fems. Fem beans?
Basically saying a hermie is just a plant that has rodilization itself?
Sry if I’ve confused this more lol my stoner mind works wonky.


That is exactly right. Only female beans will be produced from two females. Rodilization is any time a female plant pollinates herself or others around her.


Noooyyyce! Now I gotta think of a name lol.
is this something you would hand out to OG’rs?
Of course with full explanation. As testers or something.
Guess I’ll have to get to the finish line first. But this is the best news for sure :+1:


Hey everyone, hope your having a great weekend!
I’ve made a decision to cull everything in the flower tent and just make hash out of them. I just couldn’t in good growing techniques release a bunch of hermie seeds into the world.
I’ll make seeds when I want to :+1:
So ordered a ACI cloudforge humidifier to complete the 2x4 making the environment full ACI control.
The reason was so I can move my current humidifier into the old flower tent and have that as my veg tent for the Chemdog x Meat Breath that are getting nice and big. Eventually into țg fabric bags.

I also topped em and am trying to do clones of each. Do y’all clone the tops?
Or the lower side branches?
Fingers crossed this works :crossed_fingers:

Kinda just winging it. I was told to keep it sealed for the first 48hrs. Then open the air vents and keep em moist :man_shrugging:t2:
Oh and I did a thing this week I’ve been wanting to do for years. Finally got gig speed net, an LG C1 oled I’ve had for a couple of years.
But now, 4k 120hz gaming at its finest!
Xbox series X on the left :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
So my home theater is almost complete… Well like growing, it’s never fully complete.

I’ve never experienced such smooth, beautiful games :green_heart:
Watch out now all ya little ankle bitin sumabishes that have been kicking my ass in warzone over the last 5 years :rofl::rofl::rofl:
That’s if for now!



Clones from anywhere that you can put a node below the surface and a node above the surface. I haven’t been cloning as much as I used to, but for a while I couldn’t bring myself to throw out trimmings that could potentially become clones. Put that together with an aerocloner, and look out!


Spent a wee bit to much this month for an aero cloner lol.
Maybe I’ll put a bug in Mrs.Lz since Xmas is close.
For now, this will have to do.
Just had my first piss me off moment here with a member, insiting I send them beans via a dm. Lmao.
The nerve of some people to take advantage of people’s good natured intent really makes me effin mad. Especially when said persons has been graciously gifted a fcuk ton of beans from everyone here.
I actually want to call them out and warn peeps. But I’ll take the higher road.


I suggest DIY.

Get all the parts from a hardware store. Down here, they’ve got everything you need at Home Depot and Walmart. 50usd and a few hours of build time will have you a 50 site cloner.


Just beautiful.


Love the new avatar, @LzBoy ! Also: hooray clones! Looking forward to seeing those root. :crossed_fingers: Sorry to hear about your herm issues, but when life gives you lemons- make some hash.

Be sure to read up on aerocloners well before a build or even buy- I’ve seen a lot of big leak/spray accidents from research on em. Great tools, sounds like, really no comparison, but testy for renters.

Otherwise, looking great in here! :metal:

Don’t let em grind you down
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


Hey CD, thanks. It was time. Rain would understand :+1:.
Bro, ya had me howling over here with the lemons to hash :joy::joy::joy::joy:
I’ve done a bit of research on the aerocloners and as I do appreciate the suggestion. You hit the nail in the coffin :upside_down_face: for leaks and maintenance factors I’ll have to avoid em.
Guess they don’t call em ezplugs for nuttin. Definitely going to give them more attention then the last time I tried. I Let them get to dry. Now I’ll keep the bottom pan full with azos, fish shit and a bit of Mega crop so I don’t have to worry about Ph… I hope :grin:
Hope you, Jessicat and @JustTieflingThings hare having a great weekend :call_me_hand:

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I had a bit of a hard time with my aero cloner.
After fiddling excessively with the spray heads I found the reservoir was getting too warm… turns out all I needed was a short interval timer so it wasn’t running 24/7. :roll_eyes: embarrassing how long it took me to figure that out… :rofl:

I saw that exchange last night… …you are a nicer person than I am… :laughing:
I guess the upside is… you have officially been branded as one of the ‘elites’:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Ever notice those jokers never hang around long?..



This is good advice. I used a timer set to 90 seconds on / 5 minutes off.