LzBoy's Lounge - Perpetually growing OG beans

Funny, first I get an email from LJ telling me I’m a 1%er members v supporters. :scream: That blew my mind.
Then an elitist? :joy::joy::joy: Maybe I’ll change my name to Elon, or BGates
Communication and transparency is the key to any relationship, Imo.
Interesting how we I spoke up, others had the same experience. But that was yesterday. Time to move on. Appreciate you all for understanding :pray:
On the clone.
To be honest, I’m to lazy to worry about taking care of an aero cloner. As well I’m running out of outlets to use.
Being a noob to growing, so late in life. I really want to try so many things.
No where near the same level. But I think it’s kind of similar to what someone who’s been in jail for most of their life, finally gets exonerated and is set free. If ya catch my drift.
:thinking: What’s new and what’s out there for me to do, see and experience. With every experience being new, and with that. Feelings you’ve never had befor in life.
Deep thought, by Lz :sweat_smile:

Some balcony shots.
I tried half a vine ripened ghost pepper and, well. Fcuk that :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Chopped up half of one and threw it in some Mac n cheese with hot dogs… Saturday night, we cook a meal from our childhood :+1:
Well it ruined my plate it was so freekin hot. Definitely the hottest pepper or sauce I’ve ever had or tried, and I’ve tried. DaBomb!

I’m trying to gift these to neighbours or any enimies from past lol
with a warning, in fact I might get them to sign a release they are so hot :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::hotsprings::hotsprings::hotsprings::hotsprings::hotsprings::100::100::100::100::100:
Max is 4 months old last week and he is the chillest dog I’ve ever come across or had as a pet. Take his bone, food, stick away. Not a single sign of any aggesivness. Dog come up to him, grab his stick. He just shrugs his shoulders, and says. Yo bro. It’s yours lol
So happy and luck to have such an amazing dog, again :heart:
Due to my injuries I can’t walk him, so massive shout out to Mrs.Lz who has been doing it all. Love ya babe :heart_eyes:
Max on guard for the…

The flower on the outside grow are doing well, I hope I can take them into late October.
I might put a fan on em for night time to hopefully prevent the dreaded PM.
I guess you don’t have to worry about that to much where you are @Tracker?

There’s a bunch of leaf hoppers around but they don’t worry me.
Actually, they’re kinda cute. But I wanna find a praying mantis. That would be cool af.
Have an awesome day OG, off to another city to grab some Rainbow Driver, only place with ounces is an hr away :roll_eyes:
The government, fcukin up drug dealin from day 1. smh.


Always nice to have mantises in the garden, they are awesome! Ez plugs or similar have been successful for me with clones…my problem is I always keep or bring in more clones than I should and lack of attention to them causes…well you know what happens :pensive:


I rarely have problems with PM in my garden. Usually only happens with short, tight, afghan kush stuff. I always have some mold. How much depends on how big/fat the colas are and how much late season precio/moisture we get.

I read that we’re supposed to get below average precip this fall, so fingers crossed for less mold


Nice, I had a neighbour years ago take one till early Nov, mind you it was a long summer that helped. Man that was some nice stuff.


Howdy OG!
Mid week update goin on!
Thanks for swinging by :ok_hand:
So cloning isn’t as easy as it seems. At least from the tops.
1 still looks like it’s going. But the other 3 kicked the bucket.
Im gonna try with a couple more, using the lower branches of the CDxMB instead of the tops.

:roll_eyes: I hate PH’n and tried some mega crop feed water with the azos, fish shit.
Thinking since I don’t Ph with MC being cheated n all, but I’ll try again :call_me_hand:
In the 5x5 I’ve got 4 CDxMB and 2 coral Kush, not sure if I’m going to do them all in here. Or move the 2 Kush into the 2x4, and try and use the 2 viparspectra in there to take em to flower. But the tent isn’t a good quality and has some light leaks. Will see.

Some monster fan leaves on the CDxMB :seedling:

Oh, got my first ever order from indoor farmer in Ont, free shipping over 125, and they have everything ACI where as no one in BC has much stock of anything.
Highly recommend to my Canadian growchachos :seedling:

So now the 2x4 is fully automated by ACI! Eventually the 5x5 will have it as well :+1:

@Coffin_Dodger you run the 69 pro.
Im assuming, as I fiddle with the settings. You only need 1 sensor to control both the temp and humidity now that I’ve added the cloud forge to port 2?
I have it set to auto.
Does port 1 control it all, after I’ve set the min, max (with on, off) in port 2 humidifier?
Appreciate ya :+1:

Lz :green_heart:


Awesome upgrade, @LzBoy ! Stoked for y’all!

Yep, one sensor to the controller is all you need.

Unless you’re running one of the presets, what you’ll want to do is hit each of your port tabs, figure how you want that device to work (i.e. what trigger to set for it) and then set those values on that tab. You can go to any of the “port” tabs or other info and history tabs after that and it’ll hold 'em all, triggering those devices only when you set them to go off.
Hitting the “All” tab will set every device to one parameter.

Hope that gets your feet wet and helped a bit! The Cloudforge Gen 2 has been a great piece of kit.

All the best to the missus and Max, too!
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon: