LzBoy's Lounge - Perpetually growing OG beans

Hopefully a bit better pic of what I’m looking at.


I would probably just give the calyx a gentle squeeze between the forefinger and thumb if it’s a seed forming you would feel it at this stage.


I grabbed one and gave it a squeeze. It kinda popped and was very liquidy.


Safe to conclude they are not seed pods but calyx with gummation…do it again in a few days just to be sure :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks global :ok_hand: phew. I’ve had a couple in the past have seeds that I never noticed. I’m assuming they were due to hermie, or heat n light stress being a noob grower.


Plants have an in-built survival instinct where they may produce both sets of flowers. I wouldn’t worry if it’s just few seeds …just remove them and carry on.


Will every plant try and… I forget then name of the term when it self pollenates.
Basically, is there a point past Amber trichromes, that’s a no go zone, when looking for the extreme couch lock?

The outdoor jungle is flowering :+1:
Not expecting much from them, I grew 2st contact and godfather indoors and it was a boring, barely getting a buzz. Straight to the hash bin. Probably what I’ll end up doing with these.
Stalk is impressive :+1: for me.

And like I was saying, I I can almost feel the heat extruding from these ghost :ghost: peps :hot_face:

Lights out in the veg tents, but good news is the CDxMB that were stretching are doing great. :+1:
Keep forgetting, this is weed.
Keep it simple and LITFA some wise OG once said :crazy_face::crazy_face:


Bonus post!
Mailman kicked ass today! Dam quick delivery :truck:

My first @Pigeonman slaps! Wooohooo!
And he threw in some beans :yum:
These autos just jumped to the front of the grow line for next summer :+1:
Thanks for everything you do keeping OG the Disneyland of growers around the world🌱


You’ve been blessed by the pigeon! I have heard good things about those, congrats!


Yass! Happy they landed safely!



Grows are looking amazing bro!


If you have a spare light the balcony plants could use supplemental lighting a 50/100w 3000k will also help to finish up flowering.

:slightly_smiling_face: :v:


Those peppers are to hot for me. I tried the smallest amount and omg was my mouth burning.


The original name for ghost pepper is Bhut jholokia where Bhut meaning from Bhutan got corrupted to Bhoot meaning ghost…
I tried them once and they definitely drove my ghosts away.


Yep, I’m expecting it to blow my Bhut holo out :hot_face: when they mature.

I think they will work really well in a spaghetti meat sauce, or an all day chillie slow cooker SuperBowl meal.
I love pickled eggs as well so might add some to the brine :+1:
My tomatoes I picked early. The medium ones were spectacular. The small ones meh, needed more tome to mature. I’ll know for next year, only going to do 2 tomatoes and run them till they vine ripen.
I’ve got to take some pics of my shishkaberry in flower, not sure if they hermied on me or not. I’ll grab pics later tonight.
so just a pic of Max Max doin his thang!

I’ve never had a “sight hound” before. But Max loves watching a ball on a green screen/pitch/golf course. He watches intensely :heart_eyes:
And no, not a big soccer fan.
NFL Sunday!
Go Buccs Go!


Got a new add on for my pirate tv. I’m getting every us tv broadcast and have Fox Orlando on atm getting the Bucs game!
Merica adds are freekin hilarious :rofl::rofl:
The Peyton… Paintin had me rolf
If y’all are interested, search r/stremio r/stremioaddons and r/torrentio on reddit.
Went to water and found a beautiful surprise on the ghost plant.

I think I’ve got some or all the shishkaberry throwing nanners :man_shrugging:t4:
pics at lights on. Fingers crossed they are just super swollen… Bracts I guess is what they are called… I’ve been referring to them as calyix, but I guess that’s at the stem.
Back to the game!


So every single shishkaberry has these… Hermie?

Should I pull them now?
Can I make hash out of them?
They are unbelievably sticky.


Those look like seeds. I don’t see any clear herm parts in the pics. Squeeze a few and feel if there are seeds in them.

They might have herm flowers somewhere on them. Another plant you grew could have had herm flowers. A neighbor might have a male plant.


Took one off, it made a pop sound when I broke it in half.
Cropped pics.

No one in my apartment grows. Bunch of chickens.
But I guess maybe in the air :man_shrugging:t2: that would suck major ballz


Looks like early beginnings of a seed.

How long ago did you flip to 12/12 on those? When you look on the plants, do you find any herm flowers or nanners? Especially check the lower half of the plant for true herm flowers.

It could be in the air. Outdoor is flowering now.