LzBoy's Lounge - Perpetually growing OG beans

Hope Rain gets to feeling better bud. Everything looks great in your journal. Love all the pics. Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks everyone, we take Rain to the vet today.
Fingers crossed :heart:
Sitting around last night, I had to get her off my mind. So I got inventive and made an easy diy bong.
It hits sooo smooth!

On to the tents…
This is my first time trying to use the T5 led to germinate… Never again. I guess the T5 is good for keeping plants, but not growing?
Moved the seedlings under the viparspectra to join the Dream Genie and CD X MB.
Hopefully that gets em going. If not, on to the next :smirk:
Hope everyone has a great day.

Flower room for NSFW weed porn :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Brother those T5 lights usually require you to have the seedlings super close unfortunately like 6 inches away at best. They’re actually really good for germination and clones. Hope this helps a bit.
Plants are looking great Lz . :call_me_hand:t2: :100:
Got my lounge chair I’ll be hanging out in the corner with a few joints. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :metal:t2:


All the best wishes here for Rain. Hope the vet had good news, bro. I know she’s lucky to have a human looking after her so well as you obviously do.

Seconded on @OnePassionateGrower 's sentiment about the t5s. We get leggy seedlings out of a 15w t5 at about 6 inches from cubes. That’s laying the bulb on a humidity dome.

Lookin’ great, otherwise, bro!
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


hope your dog is ok man. :worried:


Hello OG and happy Friday growchacho’s :seedling:
1st off a Rain update. We didn’t like what our old vet was saying and doing to our beloved 11 yr fur baby. She kind of lost her hind legs 2 weeks ago. No strength, would frogger on hard wood floors. So last week we took her in, did an overall physical,and basically said. Thers nothing we can do but keep her comfortable with gabapentin… Both Mrs.Lz and I have been devistated… But we weren’t giving up on Rain.
So we went, researched some local cyropracter / pain vet clinics and made an appointment on Wednesday.
Wow, thank God we did. The vets there were incredible, told us to stop the gabapentin and try anti-inflammatory pills, and put nail grips on her back paws…
It’s been 48 hrs and Rain has made a big, big improvement,and hopefully with some TLC and food. She will be back to her awesome self.

Now on to why we’re all here! Plants!
Veg tent…
Up potted 2 CD x Mb fems from @Wizdom and 1 Dream Genie fems from @Tracker into 1 g pots. Dayyym the lookin fine!

I had to move the seedlings back under the T5s to make room for the 1g under the viparspectra… I’m gonna get a second 1500xp for the tent. I’m very surprised on just how good it is and I’m gonna need a bigger footprint me thinks.

On to the 5x5 flower tent…
Gorrila Oozie is still packing on the weight. This is why I need a journal, I got no clue when I flipped these, but it’s come to be my growing style…
I guess… I’d rather watch the plant, learn it. Listen to what it’s telling me. Research and fix problems. In fact, it’s kinda how I Go though life :joy::call_me_hand:
I’ve been weeving and tying up lanky branches to open em up to as much light as possible, I defolitate little bit here and there the entire flower cycle. Doesn’t shock them, as far as I’ve seen.

Oh ya, took a couple of early shoots to dry n try. I’ll let ya know how it taste @Rhai88 :+1:
Thanks for stopping by… My apologies for the long winded post.
As always, comments and criticism welcomed :green_heart:
OGTW :seedling:


I am all out of likes at the moment :pray: :green_heart: :frog: :green_heart:

I came to OG for the plants. I joined OG for the people. Now they’re both why I’m here!

SO happy to see & hear that Rain is doing better! That’s fantastic that the chiropractor was able to offer an alternate path and give her some help. I have heard mixed things about gabapentin. Mostly it seems to make animals & people a bit groggy and they don’t notice the pain as much, or they just aren’t in the shape to complain. The anti-inflammatory I think will definitely be a big help. Esp since inflammation is the real cause for a lot of pain so this might get closer to treating the root cause.

Has she ever had CBD? It might also help reduce the inflammation. I give my cats this pet safe CBD oil in their food.

Plants are looking killer btw, growchacho :+1:
Those seedlings up-potted into the 1gallons look like they’re already gonna need a bigger pot! Wow!


She’s also on resolve cbd and loves gnawing on our fingers after a joint. :joy: Crazy mutt.
Not sure if I should turn the light up to 75% or just leave it at 50. One of the reasons why I want another light and have a split veg tent.
I’ve run autos before that are mostly on dli compared to these photos that can take more light earlier on.


Lookin’ solid! Got your hands full with that new line up, and I can’t wait to see what you pull out of it. Looks like a fine finish this round.
Got a little bit of play left to that veg light? depending on what kind of readings you’re getting… If it doesn’t spread too thin, maybe raising and bumping the output would be a hold over until you can justify the addition, like you mention. Just depends what it’s actually throwing. We bit the bullet and went with an ACI Evo3 for the new 2x4 so when it does finally get set up, it should be well enough wall to wall. I like the Photontek you’re using! Got a feeling I’m gonna want bars in the 4x4 quick after using em in veg… Hahaha

Definitely feel you on the forgetfulness leading to journaling. That’s a big part of it for me, and we keep a lot of physical notes, too! Hahah. I’m always cross referencing the stuff on here with notebooks there. I guess it’s a better habit than some. And hey- less worries about ‘stoner brain’ sneaking up!
Hooray for Rain feeling less under the weather! Hope she continues to show some great recovery. If only they could tell us these things more directly themselves, eh?

Hope the veggies are doing well. Been a wild season outside here so far this year. We’re hoping to have a space for that kind of thing by next spring at the latest, too. If I can get the indoor space fitted for the expansion before then I’m sure we’ll be doing something along those lines in there.

Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


glad your hound is better.

does she take glucosamine chondroitin for her leg joints? is the problem with her hips or “knees”?


Thx Val :+1:yep we upped her dosage of that as well.
She just ate her first good full meal in probably 2 days. A couple of treats here and there, and alot of ice cubes,and she’s drinking. :call_me_hand:
But that full meal she just ate was a great sign.
We understand what we sign up for when we adopt our family members. But with her only being 11 this year, 45 lbs, mixed breed, in great health,Up till a month ago. So we’re doing and trying whatever we can.
She still has that list for life, dog waggon tail and holes at ambulance and fire trucks as the scream by. 🫨
The harmonization is wild lol.
Thanks for the well wishes.
Hope you can get out and see the light show in the sky :sparkles::star2::dizzy:


Chunking up beautifully mate :+1: hope Rain is recovering well all the best for her :green_heart::green_heart:…we’re looking after a friends puppa for awhile. Give the kids an idea of having a doggo


Right on Herb! I’ll pass along the get well wishes :green_heart:
Always a good idea if the kids will pick up dog shit or not…:thinking:
The range of emotions they bring over their short life span covers a pretty big spectrum.
Your puppers is adorable. The hair reminds me of the dog in whyle e coyote … Dam, forgot his name.

Haha Morning Ralph :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


along with the good meal is she able to go to the bathroom by herself?

our 16y/o dog had knee surg last year. i had to carry him around in a sling for weeks while his knee healed. getting him to go bathroom while all loopy on his painkillers was … fun…
that was last year. he is fine now. walking around. no running tho. and that’s ok. he’s an old boy.

i think i’m too far south for the NL. i did look north when i took the dogs out for last call peepees, but didn’t see anything. i have seen the NL before tho… i went to school up in buttf^ck maine for a year when i was a lad. was in the astronomy class. had an observatory with a big ass telescope. long story short, on most winter nights could see greens and purples from the NL. cool stuff but that place was cold as hell. no thanks!

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Yep, Mrs.Lz just got back in with her, peed and had a little #2. So that’s good, but she has nothing in her. But still drinking as well.
We made a sling out of a Walmart bag, cut it. Put 2 holes in it to carry her back end up the stairs.
We are on the second floor, no elevator :roll_eyes:. My back is so fubar I can’t do diddly unfortunately. She, Mrs.Lz is an incredible lady as well, doing all she has. A real effin trooper, and doing alot better than I’ve been. But I’m more of a realist I guess… Prep for the worst hope for the best.
But I’m learning, to try and look at the positives.
Growing and this incredible community has definitely helped with that :green_heart::seedling:


haha… that’s what i did also. cut holes for his bum and tail to hang out, holes for his legs to poke thru and a slit for his dong… yeah. it tore up my back carrying him around for about 4 weeks. was glad when it was over because he was healed and my back got a break from carrying his chubbster ass around.

that’s good your dog is still drinking water and interested in food. usually a good sign. going #2 is a good sign also. nothings getting backed up. glad you got that 2nd opinion.


Hey OG, hope everyone is having a great weekend :green_heart:
Not much going on, Rain is doing so so, and we’re going to call the vet tomorrow and see if there’s anything else they can do for her. :crossed_fingers:
On to things that are making us smile, the plants!
Did the deed and topped @Tracker Dream Genie, left the CDxMB for a couple more days.
Im hoping the “tiger striping” not sure what its called is really coming through on the leaves.

I’m using just mega crop 1 Part so hopefully it’s not a deficiencie this early in.
I don’t add cal mag. Might need to go get some 🤷 if this isn’t part of the genetics.
The outside Veggies are coming along great as well, tomatoes rockin :metal: but the peppers aren’t getting much growth. :roll_eyes:
A friend of mine said the do take longer, but when they grow. The rocket up. So hopefully I’ll have some ghost peppers to blow the scovile meter

And of course the, piece de rezistance, the flower tent!
Rocking @Rhai88 Gorrila Oozie and Original Seeds Banana Sherbert from a sweet @The_Vault_Team giveaway :green_heart::seedling:
Aww who we kidding, here’s the star of the show :smirk:

Thanks for stopping by :seedling:


Loving the “star of the show”. Hopefully the pup is feeling better. :kissing_cat: Gorgeous plants too!



Thanks @Agreenpassion appreciate your kind words :pray:
Went to my favorite dollar store and grabbed a new vault storage box. Almost all of my beans are OG provided :green_heart:
But I’m gonna need a bigger vault box. :joy::joy:
1st world grow problems, I know.


Harbor Freight has nice little knockoff Pelican Cases.