Made In Canada By Smoke

Trying to guess how many seeds? 185 maybe? It’s always more than it looks like

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yes it’s the bag RVKxRVK Mix-S116 you have to count
I hope you are not counting the seeds on the picture by for the one with the bag

Ok adjustment made. I’ll up my guess to 168 :smiley: (I actually counted more than 67), Good thing I’m not an estimator by trade! LOL

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ok @Astrodude 92 and 193 your 2 numbers are lock in
or you mean 193 not 92

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Overgrow the World

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Hmmmmmm….I must have missed the 1???..…definitely 178! :fire::joy::raised_hands:

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yes the total in the bag 185 seem perfect
I did not count the seeds but I will soon
and don’t go over the total
and you have 2 chance to give your numbers

Cool, I’ll go with 185 and 205!

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were do you see 67 seeds in your dream
are you playing or smoking and drinking

Have to go with 234 @Smoke

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wow don’t go over 234 is in first position but maybe over
now i will count the bag… I think some are close of the total
but some are maybe over… :lying_face: and out of the game
and you have a second number to give hummm :thinking:

Overgrow the World

67-168 @Nagel420 hum ok
92-193 @Astrodude very very lucky i did change it last time
78-178 @Loggershands
185-205 @BasementBeans
182-200 @ELG
198-… @FattyRoots ok you are new to the game but no more chance
can’t wait to see the first OVER…but maybe none :lying_face:

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:laughing: :+1:


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Is over 4sure 221 :lying_face:

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Overgrow the World

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hey hey hey! I said 168, not 163 :wink: and no edits or funny business from my end either! lol

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lucky dog :yum:

My first guess is 182 and the second 200 :call_me_hand:

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do you think someone is over @ELG
ok 182-200

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