Ras-T cheap little box

Heya Oger’s gals and guys

I have just finished to build my indoor grow Space to calm my nerves…
height 3,60 ft
width 2,80 ft
depth 2 ft

HLG 260 4000K full spectrum

Sunon fan
Flow rate
air: 161 m³/h

Plagron Royalmix and Batmix
With organic ferts algae+myco wormcasting Bat guano

all I have to do is choose and germinate the seeds, i’m thinking to start some auto, it would be my first try, i need to be able to decide…
Voilà !!!


What are your decisions between on the question of what to start first?

Tidy little cabinet. Do you have an exhaust system or just circulation?


If you grow an indica under that 4000k light, it should stay nice and squat and give you some sweet, sweet buds! Don’t wanna run out of headroom there.
Nice grow box!!!


@FieldEffect @Tappy
Thank you for your visit

I decided to germinate 2 auto varieties of fast buds: 3 forbidden runtz and 3 strawberry banana
I don’t know at all where I’m going with autos but I’ll see…

The only thing i know about : they don’t like to be stressed right?

Indica? yeah i love indica
i thought about it in this box
After the auto Grow i will start some LIT farms seeds London marker


SUPER NICE SETUP you got goin’ on. Continued success, take care, stay safe, and be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@misterbee thank you Mr :+1: :v:

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Nice and clean.,


The 3 forbidden runtz have sprouted very well

I was inspired by the germination method of @JohnnyPotseed
I placed wormcasting between 2 moistened organic cotton pad
In less of 24h the seeds have popped

The 3 strawberry banana went to trash due to seed damping, they have popped but Brown tail
I don’t want to waste my Time with it
Yet the seeds are the same age
I’m a little disappointed but ok
I don’t really know what to expect with the other
I will see…


Its my first try with auto
its like i’m a chicken who try using a knife :exploding_head: :dizzy_face:‍:dizzy:
and got the feeling to forgot something :thinking:


I’m no professional at auto’s. They are easy. I see growers twisting and pulling down to keep the low. 1 to 2 gallons containers. You’re good to go. You don’t have to feed them that heavy. That goes for all of them. But the ones I got right now I could’ve fed a lot heavier.
Looks sweet. I like it clean like that. Almost like heaven. lol


Just take it easy on the fertilizer it’ll manage itself. They’re super easy as long as you let them do their thing.

I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the FastBudz autos I grew. :sunglasses:

Fingers crossed for those forbidden runtz :crossed_fingers:


plenty of space, one question whats your exhaust and intake setup like as its gonna get warm, humid and stinky in time. Consider whatever your exhaust size is you should have double that area for intake size


the seeds are in 1gal
I have constraints for the space and maintenance of the pots I didn’t want to have too much substrate to handle
I actually think I’m not wrong with 1 gal containers and yeah i Hope i will stay clean like

I think i’m good with the soil its some sort of light mix with Bat guano ,worm casting and i have some organic powder supplements i Can top dress if i need
I have Lost another seed
I will go with 2 ForbiddenRuntz
I’m suprised to see the lack if vigor in my seeds
I have a big doubt about the freshness of the seeds ,i bought it just one year ago and well stored in my fridge…
tired of seeing the lack of vigor compared to homemade crosses that we can make because I have never been disappointed with my own seeds…or it is just no chance for me :thinking:

Thanks for your advice but I am quite confident with the environmental growing conditions, I have a constant temperature of 24°C during the day and at night it is 18°C
the room where the box is located is dry and contains an RH of less than 50% but I will keep
an eye on the humidity with the lack of heat production due to the LED lighting.
the box has 2 outlets and my fan is powerful,
I have very good air circulation
and I can add 2 fans if necessary But
we can never be too careful


I have read through your topics, i’m very impressed how you Can use your space and how you handle it well :+1: :fire:

As i am a beginner with auto how many hours of light do you give to your plants?

I put the timer to 16h of light and 8h dark
Is it good or not?


that will work, ive been running 18/6 for years but one can run 20/4 down to 12/12 or less with autos but kinda defeats their advantages, for me it was just my previous veg cycle and i never really have had a need to change it.

One thing to consider though is light output vs time, if one has less light they can get by with longer daylight hrs with autos to achieve what a high light low hr lights on period can do.

Without say co2 supplementation and or diminishing returns its kinda widely accepted that a DLI of around 35 is that point, autos still play into that realm as after a certain point the light is just being wasted.


@Mr.Sparkle thank you very much for your advice
And all these details :pray:
I will let go with 16 hours of light
I increased the intensity of my light by half in order to obtain better development or leaf tissues and better nutrients uptake

Today, day 6 into soil


Sorry to hear about your germination issues. On the flip side, I’ve got 3 varieties i can send you if you’d like.
They’re G13Labs auto Fro-yo s1
Froyo x Seedsman’s Blueberry auto “Blueberry Froyo”
Froyo x (GSC x BlackCream auto) “Scoutcicle”

Presently my germ tests are in the 80%+ range on all 3.

Just an offer, I hate to see anyone’s seed investment go belly up.


I see a lot of people doing this with great results…gonna give it a whirl next pop day.

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It would be very generous of you Broski :+1: :muscle: :pray:

I think from now on i will use @JohnnyPotseed germination method for all my future seeds

2 days ago


So far so good
They look like they want to grow


They look happy to me they’re just about ready to start off. as a seed, it takes a little bit of time. There’s a lot of the energy going on… growing roots and growing leaves. Sometimes they’re at a standstill from the surface but below is where the works going on. They look great to me.