Made In Canada By Smoke


des informations impressionnantes sur vos nutriments de croissance et votre salle de culture propre.

mec, j’adorerais faire pousser n’importe quoi de ta collection, si belle.

J’utilise des nutriments 100% organiques dans mon installation, j’ai des vers dans mon sol et je les nourris simplement et ils nourrissent mes plantes. très sain pour moi.

What is your All time top 100% favorite strain your grow for yourself?

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If you get a maid I hope she will smoke first
and help you in the shower and +
in my rooms JUST me and my cats can come in
never a friend or girlfriend see in my rooms
I will show plants 2or3 if I take pictures at my desk
in my rooms it’s (100% private) in my Livingroom it’s 100% free weeds
younger someone steal some buds in my room with seeds
the someone woes one of my great friend at the time
you know if someone take 2or3 buds on a plant
you will see it next day…and me I saw the 4or5 buds missing
next day on my door of the room A BIG sing Private
the friend next day saw the sing on my door
the friend did the same thing of you in the movie
is knee’s woes very fluffy in front of me MAD :rage:
I did not touch him but in my eyes…saw the real evil447 in me
I never saw him after…I’m a very cool man but don’t fk with me

now it’s finish private in my rooms and everyone coming here
don’t even ask to see my rooms but will ask if i am taking some pics today

Old FloRoom… :sunglasses:

look at the color of the belt coming out of the taekwondo glove
it’s black…is keen’s woes very fluffy the friend thief…take my word

Sure the first girl you will see on the video will kick all are ass in 15sec


@stONER775 the TV it’s from (Idontsee) the model is (Notting)
great at the time I woes smoking some Silver Peal from Sensiseed

Old SilverPearl… :sunglasses:


I think I would of at least made him limp for a few days while he smoked your bud .

Sir @TopicalWave It’s all the contract with very small letters
and at the back of the page with the contract
so small I did not see at all…next time I will check everything
now I did pay for a week or one day… :thinking:

Very Funny Luna not a great time to see a cat with B.B.Q sauce
on him…the cat will win :grin:
don’t give her back the toy it’s seam dangerous for Lunanabis

Very Nice your plant did you cut it or it’s outdoor
it’s a Ace Seeds strain.
and what is next in your room Brother

CatPorn For Your Dogs… :sunglasses: Bro I give all the other kitty’s i keep 2 with mom


Thanks @CADMAN and welcome it’s very simple my growing thing
great 100% organic…I stop feeding nuts at 40to45 days if the
strain is 65to70days I give just water from 40days to the end
3or4 days after i stop the nuts the yellow leaves come out
but it’s great for the plant using her leaves for nuts
the perfect nuts for her at the end

if you have one day the SCDCxBlueberry seeds
I have in my room now…you will have one of my top 5
for the No1 it’s hard to choose
some are good to smoke but fluffy buds like the peyote purple
a very potent weed and not hard to smoke and good lite tast
some stink like hell of the real skunk like the V3 of Heart Robison
with very big buds …But I did not grow to much to Stinky
2 small plants and all the house smell real hell of skunk
some like the M39 shiva skunk BIG production
but not much tast in smoke…potent nice cool buzz
some like the black rose very nice but fluffy buds
and not much tast in smoke
some like the strawberryfrost…perfect nice lite skunky,fruity, tast
the evilqueen wow very potent but a bit hard to smoke but good
if I have to choose one to go on a desert island some were in
canachinusazy i will take the M39 strong strain ease to grow
great hard buds great buzz but for the tast
I will find a leave some were on the island whit tast…I will by fine
and I have to bring a small bag with everything you see in the corner

Today… :sunglasses:


Take a chair my friends the ride will by ease and smokey

I keep my clones longer in the beercup but for the journal
it’s now in the final pots…(6in black pots with 4 beercup of soil (Pro-Mix Bx or!!!)
the pro-mix I REALY need a fluffy soil know hard balls of soil
on the bottom of the pots I reuse a magictowel but(a scottowel will do but don’t reuse)
i add 3 cup of fluffy soil add the clone one more cup of soil
now by for adding water at 6.2 ph (important) I take the weigh of the pots
the pots with soil 450g…I add 100g of water (know nuts for now)
the pots with soil+water 550g I know 550g the clone have a bit to much water
but it’s good for the stress clone…tomorrow I will weigh and add water to maybe 500to520g
I keep note on the pots and slowly I will add more water feeding every day
yes every day at the same hour (one or 2 hours after light OFF)
I never feed my plants in flower with the light ON
I use a small red light just to see my plants

for my mix of water with Nuts the same for all my plants in Veg&flower next update

The MagicTowel… :sunglasses:

soil + water…


tonight will by the first time
the clones will have nuts in the water

My mix of water with nuts for ALL my plants
I use Pro-Mix flower bloom (12-24-12)
in 7L of water I add 1 small spoon(not a coffee spoon) of flower bloom
and I add 1.5 small spoon of baking soda it will get the PH of the water at 6.2

to use the mix in all my plants I CUT the mix
in flower…100% of the mix plus (spray boot) i feed my plants 1or2 hours after(light OFF)
big plants in veg…50%mix and 50%water…like mom’s
small plants in veg…25%mix and 75%water…like the clones tonight
seedling and clones just out of the dome…just water

the spay bottle for boosting my plants
in 500ml of water I add 1 small spoon of the flower boost
if my plants need a boost in nuts i will spray the mix on the plants(light OFF)

…pro-mix 12-24-12


…adjust to 7.0 each 4to5 weeks

…water from a well not the city




The Clones

Mix-1A (M39xSourGrape)… :sunglasses:


Mix-M29 (PeyotePurplexStrawberryFrost)… :sunglasses:


Mix-M53 (SCDCxBlueberry8 F1)… :sunglasses:


Mix-1B (M39xSourGrape)… :sunglasses:

I will keep updating those 4 clones… :sunglasses:


@ShiskaberrySavior the last day I saw him ppls in the house
very lucky thief it woes for the seeds not for the buds
buds with seeds are not good to smoke it pop :upside_down_face:
I really think someone ask him to stole seeds form my room
and it not a big crime take 4-5 buds
but for my and my work with weeds it’s finish if you stole
something from me…just ask ass

do you remember I have some ugly plants gold and yellow
with a great story… :zipper_mouth_face:

Ugly… :roll_eyes:


The Story of the ugly plant… :shushing_face:


i agree :grin:

just a heads up its nutes (nuts = food or mans balls )

you grow beautiful plants with such a basic set up. trade the 400hps for good 600 watt led and i think you will like it more!


Nutes = Nutrients :laughing: :rofl:


@204medismoke it’s nuts=food for plants
I never feed my plants with mans balls
I never kill anyone so I don’t have any in the freezer
nuts…on a bolt in mechanic
nuts…someone creasy in the head
nuts…you have more nuts synonym

Next You like to see seeded bud or the BlackBitch… :sunglasses:


:rofl: love the nut list except the nuts-kick !!!

the black bitch is pretty! i had an hso blackdog that turned completly black with amazing greyblue buds with purple hues most unique plant i have personally grown. i miss it and no longer rely on others to keep moms for me because of losing her wipes tear


Should of kicked your thief friend in the nuts!


@CADMAN Thanks I really need help with Medi and is nuts
you like to see the BlackBitch of seeded buds from the SCDCxBB… :sunglasses:

Mix-M134 (!!!x!!!)… :speak_no_evil: