Making water extracted ice/bubble hash

Also, they seemed pretty well flipped to me, what do you think?

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The bags are catching air…the heavier ones with stiff fabric non screen sides lay much better

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Good for you man. saw your post was gonna say something, but knew you would figure it out!!!

Make sure you let your frozen material re hydrate before agitating, it is dry n brittle comin from the freezer, and if you do not let it re hydrate for 30 minutes it will return all sorts of nasty to your bags.
Make you "spacers’ from old 5 gallon buckets. Cut them down like 8 inches from the top, each one goes into the 5 gallon stirring bucket between each bag. Gets the bags up out of the standing water, and drains 3 times as efficient.


Off the top of my head: get a second bucket cut off the bottom 2/3s and stick it on top to compress your sides.


I got beaten to it…

That will work…make spacers from old buckets and use between each bag…adds volume, lets water drain, and will keep bags tight against the sides


As an aside - I hear a lot of anti power tool talk but I think the real issue is the bit/paddle.

I have no issue with the drill, but your bit will shred your plant matter more than you want. I fixed that with this.

And turn your torque all the way down too


Bro. Just get a second bucket. Do the work in there & pour into the sieves. And the drill mixer is way too violet, IME.




Exactly… I find that using paddles by hand resulting product is much more pure… (try to check that yourself with microscope)


Ive been trying this the past week with varying results. I dont know if its the quality of the trim or the pot. Im using 4 bags Reiko sent me. They fit perfectly in a water pitcher. Should it be agitated with the spoon more so? Im stirring it. Maybe not hard enough?

Theyre nice. Rubberized like inside aith the screens sewed in the bottom really nice. They hash I pulled is delicious though. I think with 3oz of grass ran through I should have a little more. Shows the quality of the pot I guess. Later dudes. :call_me_hand:

Got a link or any pics? Thanks

There is a great description below. I used a high speed Dremel tool to cut out the sections of the aluminum inner canister. I used flat aluminum bars inside the canister to strengthen it instead of angle bars. I use a few little green army men in there to tease out the trichomes instead of balls. I also tilt the machine up at about a 15 degree angle from flat. Otherwise its the same. Works great.


Now that is a bubble bag nice work guys

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