Help! What to do with all this weed

I had a lot.of luck this summer.
I have alot of weed. I have weed from years past in Mason jars
I need to process this old weed and put up these 12 trees. A couple of the oaxacan pearl phenos with no smell will probably be scrapped…the others that had a good stench will be processed. I already hung the tops in a horse trailer but they are ready to jar up.
Any ideas?

Where can I get a drysift maker? I’m tired and short of time …and have a lot of seeded bud.
Pineapple thai 2020
Dancehall 2021
Oaxacan 22/23
Cambodian tiger 23


Great problem to have :grinning:


I would buy bubble bags. Make bubble, and when I’m bored of that use the bubble bags as shakers to make dry sift.


And don’t scrap it because it doesn’t smell. Into the hash bin.


Well if I don’t have time to process all of it then the no smell pearl stem.phenos are gonna be last…
Cambodian tiger first…(done)
Then oaxacan foxtail buds (done)
Then the pearl stem with smell
Then the pearl stem with no smell.



some kind of hydraulic press? Then you can convert the pressed rosin to carts

I only do live resin/rosin now.

You can seal the carts in mylar and keep them in a cool dry place and they should last for years with minimal degredation.

If you have larger quantities then youd have to scale this up industrial size.


How much material do you have?


If you do tinctures, might be a low labor option. Specially for the no smell ones. Maybe the pearl ones have an up effect


The holidays are coming up, could gift some to trusted family and friends.

The newest harvest you could target just the best buds for flower, bubble or press the rest

I bought the bubble bag and washing machine linked above by @CocoaCoir 3 or 4 years ago… iv yet to use it. One of these days…


Bubble or dry ice hash and cannabis oil could be options.


One option would be to break weed down and Soak in Culinary solvent perhaps use a glass Kombucha jar the 3 gallon ones for a couple weeks.Take strained liquid and run it through a little water distiller and collect up all the leftover oil in the stainless steel pan inside the unit and heat it up in a glass container on a coffee cup warmer for 24 hours till all the bubbles settled.Take said extract and put it in microwave for 20 second intervals with a pause in-between for a total of 2 min total and its now decarbed.You have now just made FECO Add to syringe warm and adjust dose accordingly Add to any edible,Put a couple drops in your morning coffee for lift off.


May not seem like it but 9 plants 12 foot tall…and three sorter ones…is a lot
I wouldn’t want to say how much I have from previous years but I’m at my.limit for okla
I made several jars of tincture with everclear. I need to reduce it down
I been making drysift with my silk screen equipment but it’s time-consuming


Hmm… if you already have tincture maybe it isn’t the best option, but that was my thought for the low odor stuff.

You may do better with it, but I haven’t been all that keen on the hash I made with flower from previous years’ harvests, but TBF I didn’t store the flower that well which no doubt didn’t help.


How much dry weight are you dealing with? I would want until the coldest night of the year and drysift it all outside.

I would shop for gear at


What ever the legal.limit for oklahoma is…nod and wink.


Giving it away feels even better than smoking it too if your area isn’t taboo



I tried to give him my address already


My God Oaxaca hash sounds epic. Before you smoke any, make Yourself a list of all the projects you have that need doing and a few that don’t :grin:
My vote is dry sift Oaxaca and bubble the rejects and the others. Oaxaca pearl resin heads come off easy.


I don’t think bubble bags are the right choice for you. I’ve never personally had good results with BBs and tropical sativas like you have. Plus, it is a lot of work. It sounds like it you have a few pounds. It would take you a few days of work to process everything you have, maybe longer. Plus, you will need a lot of ice.
Edit: @Upstate has much more experience with these strains than I do, so if he says you can make good bubble with it, I defer to him.

If your budget allows, a dry sift TUMBLER might be a good choice. You will spend about $500, but it is very little work to use. You can post-process using screens, if you want higher quality.

A lower cost option would be to use dry ice, if you have local access. All you need is some dry ice, a shaker bag, and a big counter or mirror. Just like with a tumbler, you can post-process with screens for higher quality.

Lastly, making tincture might be an option. There are lots of ways to go about it. I use a Source Turbo, which I highly recommend but it is expensive and not required.


Pics of the 2023?

Metal trash can in a small room? Hot box the fuck out of the place?

Old school smoker and some meats?

Just a couple that weren’t mentioned hahaha