Males, keep or kill?

It’s simple what’s everyone’s opinion on males keep them or kill them.

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Milk ‘um …


Depends on what you wanna do with


There are breeders here, you know that right? Some of us deal with males just as much as females :slight_smile: I say keep them around for what they’re worth.


I did my first grow of regular seeds and got 4 males and 1 female out of a freebie 5pk. I kept one male as it had a variegated mutation and plan to collect that pollen (as best as possible some how :sweat_smile:). Rehomed one that is thriving out doors MILES away from me, gifted one male to a breeder locally to me, and killed the last one…

The lone female I got from that pack I will pollinate with the one male I kept.


I typically don’t keep them, but the structure and characteristics of this one, has me wanting to keep its pollen

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I only grow males. I toss all the females. :rofl:


I will keep them all and then do some selecting once more mature if making beanage. The selection all depends on what I’m after in traits ya know?


And then theres total open pollination with the most genes available from all the dudes


It depends upon whether or not I want to make seeds from them, but more often than not…


I`ve chopped 14 males down in the last 2 weeks.


I hate killing males, so I usually stick em in my “shame patch” aka the back corner of the yard between my lil popup greenie and the fence under a tree to stress the hell out of em if Im not using them as studs. If Im gonna intentionally abuse a seed line, may as well do it to the plants Im not gonna smoke. For the greater good. And if I end up wanting to use one as a stud, all I gotta do is snip the stop 6-8 inches and pop it in a cup of water to collect pollen.


I got two males in my current run. Keeping clones and tossing originals so I can f2 next time after I’ve got a flower run of the females.

This is awesome I like your resourcefulness with regards to the males. Once the sex is observable the pollen to collect isn’t far behind, it makes so much sense to not let all that work go to waste. Saving pollen from males before they get discarded should be so much more common. It’s so rad that you enjoy the plants so much you don’t even like discarding the males and make space for them like that. Awesome of you to share this! Many blessings and much love

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Get rid of them unless you have a breeding project lined up.

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Now that everything in my yards flowering I’ve been contemplating killing the males. Brought the ones flowering into the garage too collect more pollen, went from 9 down to 5, about to cut down a few more. I should have cloned a couple a couple weeks ago. Going to have a hard time letting this one go.

It’s crazy that pollen is more valuable than flower is these days. Actually more valuable than most commodities considering weight.

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Some keep males around for breeding, do you plan on doing some
Breeding and have the space?

Seriously, it’s like buying hardcore drugs just for some Pollen!

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How man of y’all have keeper males?

I tried keeping a couple but they both started auto-flowering. Maybe it’s cause they were rootbound. Are males more likely to autoflower?

Keeping males is hard.

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