Male with female parts growing Help Asap

Hi all,I recently switched to 12/12 the plants and this One has shown incredible Speed in growing balls but when I took a closer look here’s what I see:

Female pistils in some nodes of this “male”

The Unique form of stress this plant could have Is light burn because It touched the light for some days and got roasted in the top branches,After this a top and some cuts taken during veg.I still think It Is not stress induced.

The other plants are girls and still developing calyxes,they have not shown any balls growing so fare and so I m leaning toward the idea that It Is an Hermaphrodite?
Should I cull It?


Prime example of a herm! Kill unless you want herm seeds. So cull and kill and watch for sacs on the ladies


I’d kill it with fire.


So I don’t really get this aspect of a pistillate male. Umm, you’re not growing the male full term right? You’re not smoking the male, right? Any seeds made by the male won’t go anywhere one he’s binned. I wouldn’t have any problem with a male that throws pistils. If the females aren’t throwing balls or nanners all is good to me.

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@Cbizzle it’s hard to understand your thinking because you say one thing then say you’re okay with the opposite. What’s the difference between a male throwing pistils and a female throwing balls in your opinion? It’s best not to introduce genetics with herm tendencies. Ever. It would most probably throw pollen, pollinate the ladies with probable herm sperm. Then you’d have herms in every seed. That’s your goal? Also those are some superfreak leaves @Andrexl what cut is that?


I have seen pistillate males in several lines with zero herm traits in the female progeny. If the females are solid and the smoke excellent then it is unnecessary alarm. Certainly maintain a watchful eye, but I haven’t seen anything to show that a male expressing some female traits will cause a female to express male. I just don’t see it.


Fair! I can’t argue with what you’ve seen and do believe that can happen :seedling::metal:t2:


Don’t get me wrong, a female thats confused about what she wants to be has no place in my garden! I chop those indeed straight away!


I chopped It but kept some branches with only balls cluster to try and clone them
@JustANobody @Cbizzle @DirtySlowToes
What I liked of this male was absurd Vigor and Rubber smell,also got a lot of resina in my hand while killing it


Kill it and be glad it expressed itself early and not halfway through.

I have a zero tolerance policy.


Yes I did,I also took away the clones.I have a reversed female which Is giving me balls in the sprayed sites and Will use that Pollen instead.
Anyway since this has happened with the male I Will keep an Eye on the females throwing balls


You do not know for sure that male will make herm offspring. Do not say so with such certainty. You don’t know until you test.

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@DirtySlowToes missed your last part.Those were gifted to me and are Berryfreak F4.I liked this male leaf structure but It went this way

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Right on! I’ll be around checking in on ya and them.

@ABushOfKush I don’t know my own birthday for sure. If you want to test male pollen from a herm male, by all means, let me know how it goes. I never said anything was a fact so I’m sorry to ruffle your feathers.


I think you were hatched from an egg.

Some say sure go ahead do 6 generations of 1000 plant runs and you can just breed it out no problem.

I’m not one such person.


But you don’t know for sure that it will create herm offspring…

That’s fine. Go back and edit it into not being a fact.

Haha I’m glad @Andrexl got your answer. Spend all the time you want on that hill… I’m going to drink coffee. Have a good day


You too. I have no problem with you.


So which strain was it that was found as a “bag seed” at a Grateful Dead concert, that hermed and people still want today?


I seriously don’t remember.

Then there’s the RuPaul of cannabis in Strawberry Cough.

I wouldn’t encourage the small time grower to mess with intersex tendencies, but if you have the room to isolate and time (years) to stabilize as recommended above, there could be something amazing in those plants.

Most of us have neither, I certainly don’t.