Mango's Fruit Bowl (grow journal/log)

Very healthy ladies. Great job brotha!

I love hawks, Great shot! Tons of them around here.
I saw a bald eagle the other day in my backyard about a month ago. It caught me off guard lol It was in a big Oak tree that hangs over the chicken run. Plotting a way to get some of the hens. I only noticed it when it flew away and the wingspan was massive.


Thank you for the kind words!
We have a bald eagle around here too that sometimes can be seen up near the reservoir behind town. Birds are fascinating creatures,
I got even better photos of him with my fiance’s “good” camera, just haven’t uploaded them to the PC yet. These were just taken from my phone.

We were outside at the time, and he swooped in, snatched the squirrel off the ground, then landed on the light pole to eat em. It made my night, especially being so close to Halloween n all. Luckily he did it right time too because 15 mins after landing on the light pole, the lights turned on and wouldve ruined all the pictures lol.


Moving along.
Back left is Tangerine Dream x Sour Bubble
Front left and back right are Nana Glue x Sugar Belts


All is well with the ladies, I noticed TDxSB in the back left has some fairly long stigmas/pistils, at least compared to the other two. They aren’t curling or receding yet. Pollen will be introduced soon, been meaning to hit them but have been undecided with what pollen, and time. Although I have time, I’m always anticipating being called or needed the second I “relax”
Also, I finally did get around to putting in another Rod/bar to hang my light from. Previously looking at the plants from left to right, my light was positioned north to south, and very much more on the left side due to the direction of the original clothes rod. So I measured out, cut, then mounted n secured a new one that sits perfectly and evenly over top of the 2x3 area since this will be the main area until I get my 10x12 room back.


Excited to see that Nana glue x sugar belts!


The bud closest to center right got a bit bleached by the light, good to know where the sweet spot is. Backed her off a couple inches. We’re golden now!
Getting some smells coming through now, the TDxSB is difficult to describe, but kinda fruity/berryish with a sharpness to it. When lights go out, this is the one im smelling for sure. Very pleasant none the less.
The two NGxSB’s are very different in terms smells and growth pattern/looks.
The shorter one is berryish with a skunky touch.
The taller one is almost like a gassy smell but not strong. Excited to see how these shape up.
Back left is Tangerine Dream x Sour Bubble
Front left and Back Right are Nana Glue x Sugar Belts


Just a random Nana Glue x Sugar Belts close up.


What is it!?! :crazy_face:


Nana Glue x Sugar Belts, my bad brother! i plan on taking more close ups tomorrow.

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Got a few close up shots. Also, NGxSB2 looks like it’s a bit hungrier than the others and wants it’s own feed schedule. They are all smelling so good! That Tangerine Dream x Sour Bubble is absolutely refreshing and delicious smelling. It’s like a bright orange/citrus with berry undertones. Man I’m excited for all of them but she has my attention for sure!


Happy Thanksgiving OG
Im very thankful for being part of this community. So many beautiful souls here make this place what it is. Many of you have helped me more than words can express. Thank you.


Happy Thanksgiving @Illicitmango

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I probably sound like a broken record, but these ladies are gorgeous! Thanks again @Ottafish for creating these beauties and blessing me with the opportunity to run them.


Ferret Tax. Mr. Nugget


You bet man! You should try some of the Chimera #3 crosses I made. I think those are going to be even better.


They’re getting close now! (Pics in normal light) 3 more days will be exactly 8wks since flip


They’re beautiful :heart_eyes:


Looking good man!


The time has come. Its Harvest Day!
Feeling good, but harvest day is bittersweet. I get attached to these ladies. But as with most things, this chapter ends so a new one can begin.
I am Mango and I love you all. OG is my family, Thank You
That is all :upside_down_face:


Knocked it out of the park! Happy Harvest brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute: