Mango's Fruit Bowl (grow journal/log)

They’re in really really tiny pots lol. Used to use these as starter pots, but with the intentions of keeping things small currently, they work great! Just gotta water 3x a day and keep on top of them as they will cause all sorts of problems since they dry out so fast


Tomorrow makes 9wks
I noticed the Gorilla Cookies has a single purple leaf lol


Mighty fine looking buds! Gc looks just like what I remember, just yours is much fatter than mine! I had issue with reading the trichromes they just wouldn’t amber. You might start to see purpling in buds soon.


Thanks @420noob ! I really like the smells the GC is putting out. Very fruity with a hint of funk to her.
Neither of the GPKs smell anything even remotely close to her. GPK1 smells like catpiss and maple syrup. GPK2 stinks…full on catpiss/ammonia. Sticking my nose up to the bud and smelling definitely causes a slight tingle in the smell receptors lol.
So hopefully I get at least one that checks all the boxes or at least most of em.

As for growing, they’ve all been really easy. Normally with the small pots I can see who’s going to be a high maintenance princess quick due to the soil drying so fast. This run has been great though! And I thank all of you who have been following along. Today makes 9weeks, the chop is coming soon

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Well OGs, the time has come. Gave the GC, GPK1, and GPK2 the chop. Keeping the train a’ rollin’, so I can get the next ones in there. Harvest is a bittersweet time, sad that these ladies will be gone but excited for the upcoming show.


Really impressive and even more so given those tiny pots. I’m planning my next grow to include a few 750ml Folgers containers. How often did yours need watering?

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Thank you @TricycleOfDoom I was watering roughly 3 times a day

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I took a video of the hanging harvest, I’ll eventually get around to getting some still shots from it. Everything dried perfectly and is now curing. I did take a couple buds from each just to have an early sneak peek tester toke.
The GC is fruity and mildly carries into the taste. Decent potency, buds are a little bit looser compared to the GPKs.
Both GPKs are fairly similar but number 2 is the better of the two in my opinion. GPK1 has very tight small buds, GPK2 buds were definitely bigger, the same very tight buds, but way more stinky.
All in all, I’d call it a success!


Nana Glue x Sugar Belts and Tangerine Dream x Sour Bubble are currently running. I think they look beautiful so far. The one NGxSB has a really wide wingspan (fan leaf tip to opposite side fan leaf tip) they were all potted up then topped the following day. Didnt seem to bother them at all :slight_smile:

I made room for another strain that I was planning on running but sadly they never arrived after a month.
I take pride in my honesty, and anybody who sends something to me will always be notified as soon as the package/letter arrives.



Quick little budshots of the most recent stuff that finished. Could’ve trimmed them a bit better but its only for personal smoke so I don’t mind at all.
Grizzly Purple Kush 1 & 2
And Gorilla Cookies


Without nano-science tools, i don’t dont think the trim gets Much better than this :microscope::nerd_face:

nice job! That catpiss/maple smell stick on the GPKs after the dry? :cat2::maple_leaf:

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Thank you for stopping by! Yeah, it carried through in GPK 2 a lot stronger than #1. But during the grow, number 2 was stinking whereas number 1 had a stink to her, but it wasn’t nearly as noticable.
The GC to me, I’d say tastes the best out of all 3, since it has a fruity, more pleasant smell. But that’s just my preference.

My fiance does not like the smell of GPK, even when I was burping the jars, she said it reminds her of an old storage barn we went to years ago with my grandfather when him and I were looking at a 69’ chevelle to restore somebody was selling. There were a ton of cats on that dude’s property lol. Her sense of smell is better than mine though, probably because she doesnt smoke at all. (But she does help me trim!) So that’s a win win :slight_smile:

To anybody interested in the story about the car,
My grandfather ended up wanting it. So we got it.
It was a rust bucket, no floors, motor, trans, but the body was solid as well as most of the interior.
Took us 2 years to finish/restore it. Could’ve been done faster, but that’s what we did together since I was little. Every couple years we would find an old hot rod and fix them up to enter into car shows. Then he would sell it, and we would look for another project.
I miss that man. That’s Pop (my grandfather, the only father I knew) in the pictures, me and him when I was little, and various cars we’ve restored.
The yellow Chevelle was the car I mentioned before about being a rust bucket. They all were in rough shape when we would start them lol. Sometimes, at least in the beginning when I was younger, I would actually doubt and have a hard time believing that they would ever look good or be road worthy. Pop proved me wrong real quick! “Ry, in a year from now this baby will be getting all the ladies chasing us”
I have a bunch of other photos from other cars/projects, but they’re at my fiance’s mother’s house, since my aunts tried to steal everything literally less than 12hrs after he passed away.


Check it out all original! :sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Ooo lala she’s a beauty! Very very nice!

Im not a car guy. Not even a little.
But when i look at cars like those i say “Hot Damn!!” :star_struck::fire::eyes::100::100::100:

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Not really much to update, things are rolling along nicely. Flipped to flower, and all 4 tops have roots.
Now we wait n see what we’re working with.


3 females 1 male
Both Nana Glue x Sugar Belts are female, and I have a boy and girl of the Tangerine Dream x Sour Bubble.
Time to decide what to do moving forward.
Decisions decisions :thinking:


Had a nice visitor over the weekend, he got one of the n squirrels I’ve been feeding.