Mapito " SIMPLY THE BEST " 😍

whats the update on the uvb tests?

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Where’s our updated pix of uvb work? Inquiring minds need to know!! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Ifish are you ok it’s bee a bit

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Been on my phone mostly at the minute , iPad 2 is just gettin too hard to use , very frustrating freezing all the time and typin is hard too , struggle haha

So I pushed and pushed the uvb , got it up to 3 and a half hours , but had to stop there as buds directly under it , started to look ruff , the sweet spot deffo 2 hours

Secondly , I would also next time stop the uv when plants start slowing their drinking , this would help a lot I recon

Pushin the long flowering sativas to finish early I lost all my fans , hate that look haha but I learnt a lot this run and it went to plan sort off as I got to see the effects of uvb in action and at extreme

Paps your sexy girl took the hardest hammering of the uvb

Lots of Amber now , like 50% , needed that so to cut down on the racy ness
Can’t wait for the next run of slurricane to root , ahhhhhhhhhh no more crazy 13plus weeks


Great job buddy

Did you say
The uv helps to shorten the finish time on saties ?

Wow My mind just blew up :exploding_head:


No didn’t shorten the time for sativas maybe helped them Amber quicker but not sure on that

I droped the p in feed a lot earlier than I should have to force them to finish , but I pushed too early and they consumed the fans


Wow ifish!!! Just wow buddy!!!


I’m running oaxacana 13 to 16 weeks
The plan was to sea of green state 12/12 clones at rooted + 1 week 16 each in 5 in sq pots for 4 weeks then push to 11/13 for 4 weeks and then finish at 10/14 this normally saves me a week a
Maybe push p at week 6 ish or 7


I’m really impressed with the little amount of space this takes up!


i cant wait until we all scientifically work out this uva and or uvb ratio and optimum growing conditions for it as well… maybe other things either enhance this or degrade it also @ifish … what do you think? like say co2… temps humidity…all of it… try changing things ever so slightly each time to see kind of thing… I know I’ll be doing those tests right with you all to get to the true bottom line… the tests we can accomplish together shall move much faster if we work together the way we do… i know a few of you will be imputting as well im sure on the uvb uva usage …


also that huge propogator box thing is saaaaweeeet looking!! besides the friggin frosty buds hahaha


Yes @Papalag , that sounds a good plan indeed : )

@BobHasBurgers , yes it’s a tight space but it works well with how I set it up and my system : )

Thanks @Terpsnpurps , still abit to work out , on uvb but we will get there : )
The propagator is nice , did you see my light , made from bits , mums need raised abit , before I took the cuts they where hittin the roof


Did you wire that light yourself? Amazing bro!!!

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I’ll be attaching mine to that big gavita soon… 2 solacures for the top this time…one for each side of the gavita… then later I’ll add 4 more like esko did surrounding the sides also… 6 total … but for this grow… just the 2 above… I’m definitely looking forward to working on all that!

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@Terpsnpurps I love takin things apart lol if you want to do yours down the road I’ll show you how to do it ezpz : )

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Yeah but with me the problem is putting it back together so it works lol :joy:

Why are there all these things left over I’m sure there not needed :flushed::face_with_monocle::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


If it is turned on and I touch it and don’t get a jolt it’s good to go hahaha


Lmao… all very true!!!


Okay wheres the update on those nugz under uvb? Desperate for some pix again my friend!! Let’s see those beautiful girls!!!


Plus I had to be the one to make message 420…
Woohoo 420!