Mapito " SIMPLY THE BEST " 😍

Haha : )

They are chopped already and drying / curing , the slurricane nearly ready for next run in a few days , keep pushin forward : )


Oh damn that was fast!!! So how do you feel about uvb usage?


Three hours plus continuas seamed to much , 2 hours I’ll stick too next time starting at same time frame but I think when they start to drink less I shall turn it off , make it easier for them , may have just been the sativa in them and indica leaning strain might handle it better till end maybe


Right on… I’m excited to explore uv usage w u guys .
Bugbee will be eating his heart out lol


I’m enjoying seeing the mystery of uv unfolding firsthand , nice to do something different and learn new things
Fun times : )


Now I will be watching how this one goes
I’m getting a cut from a friend when ever they are ready hopefully

I’ll be getting a cut of sunset sherbet x black lime reserve
The blk l r is from meangene but the cuts edited I thought we’re in a DM
Hopefully it’ll arrive well


I will look forward to seeing your cut in action paps , be great to compare to mine : )
@Papalag not much traffic here , I think your secret is safe : )


I’ve been waiting for the slurricane cut for a while now hopefully next run


looks great,Bro! pretty nice tops,you´ve got there. Daumen hoch!


Thanks @saxo , not as pretty an ending as I would have liked but I had to push them to finish and amber up , so l lost all of the fans but should still be great smoke : ) I tried a small sample bud and it’s pretty mellow stoned effect so my ptsd will be happy , phew lol


Oh hey paps I figured out that digital timer man it’s easy… there was a link on you tube how to set it lol

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Lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: your a better man then me I throw mine out

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Not sure it will work the way I want it to… I can only seem to program 20 times in 1 day… I needed to 24 times for the ons and offs … 1 on and 1 off in each hour for 12 hours is 24 times lol … fuckers… I’d be missing 2 hours of uvb then… what the!!! Why would they send that along with it and then suggest you do 15 mins per hour during lights on… which is 12 hours… lol

Maybe they figure no uvb at 1st 2 hours of day? Or 1 hour in beginning no uvb and 1 hour at end no uvb

The co2 guys don’t start co2 till after the first hour of lights on ,till plants wake up fully ie stomata fully open
I would go 6 hours a day maybe , with 3 hours at start and end no uv and build up from there

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I use this one for controlling multiple cycles.
You can easily do cycles with it:

Multifunction Timer for Electrical Outlet

Daily Timing (Example: Having the device turn on at 09:00 and off at 15:30 each day. Three periods can be set for each day.)
Countdown and Turn Off / On (Example: The device will turn off / on the power after 30 minutes)
Continuous Intervals Hour & Minute (Example: You wish the device to turn on power for 1 minute, then turn off for 2 minutes, on for 1 minute, off for 2 minutes, and so on.)
Continuous Intervals Minute & Second (Example: You wish the device to turn on power for 1 second, then turn off for 2 seconds, on for 1 second, off for 2 seconds, and so on.)
Continuous Intervals Set Interval Periods (Daily) (Example: The device will turn on at 09:00 and work through of intervals of being on for 1 second, off for 2 seconds and so on until 10:30, when the device will turn off.)
Continuous Intervals Set Interval Periods (Hours/Minutes) (Example 1: The device will turn on for 1 minute and turn off for 2 minutes. This cycle will continue for 30 hours or endless cycle.)
Button Lock
Always ON


Oh no shit? Mine kicks on at lights on… I wonder if I’m wasting co2?


Crazy thing is that is only 5 dollars more than the one I posted lol

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I’m a tight ass @Terpsnpurps , I would do no co2 for first hour and last hour I would just let It deplete and not top it up


That makes good sense brother!!