Mapito " SIMPLY THE BEST " 😍

Super informative!!! thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@FieldEffect take look above at that you might like it too! :slight_smile:


Thanks for the invite this is great :smiley:


Any questions just ask and I can reword
: )


We had a chat about It some time ago,sure CEC Is going to fuck up plans because you really can’t tell how much Ca or Mg you Need precisely as the Coco keep to degrade more Exchange sites gonna popup,but do we have a SAFE guide line?
For example Canna states to being 0.4 EC by using calmag Agent if your water Is soft.
Also,Canna Coco releases K while trapping some Ca and Mg.
This Is not happening in perlite,mapito,rockwool,water and promix hp as mediums right?

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I would compare canna coco nutes to canna terra nutes and see if it can be worked out

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Coco A/B has more Ca/mg than terra and less K given Coco should release it,terra substrate Is like promix Hp.
By the way,using perlite,water,pebbles,rockwool and mapito or a medium like Promix Is not going to have any weird CeC right?

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The easy option is just buy mapito
It’s a better medium than coco and lasts for years ( plus total control )

Or pioneer and adjust shedual for coco and help all the coco users
: )


No problems it works on all mediums but coco ( for coco it would need tweaked but the theory behind what you want to do / push for each stage is still the same )


Spending the time to tweek the shedual to coco related would be epic for future coco growers
: )

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Well,what I ll do will depend Always on my strain,I am with autos and with brand specific nutrients so I Don’t know how could It help to make a good Plan/schedule.
Other nutrients I can feed Is Maxibloom.
I m starting 2 seeds and I could take notes


Chempak and elixir soluable ferts are very cheap , concentrated and non cannabis related , I bet you can find similar in your country ( npk ratios )

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You can get 1/5/1 ( 10/50/10 elixir soluable fert ) type for growing root vegetables which might offset the releasing of k for flowering

Or maybe a 1/3/2 will be enough
( 10/30/20 )


Do you foliar spray n or see any n deficiency in veg? This is interesting.

My fault, it’s only after I post that I see sometimes :sweat_smile: disregard

I see the early veg nutes now, apologies


If a n def is seen after a long time on that feed I simpley do a feed or two with my stretch feed ( calmag plus 1/1/1 type ) to top up n

Depends on strain and pheno if I will see a n def , but if I do it’s easier to spot and diagnose than other defs and can be fixed easy

In general tho things are fine


It’s a very condensed post

I would have to read it a few times for it to sink in and the penny dropped
: )


I don’t folier
Everything I give is in Rez


@Franky hows your mapito grows


Here fishy fishy fishy :fish:

What’s up man… how u been doing?

Livin the dream as always
: )


Haha… yeah I just got up and running again bro I had to move