Mapito " SIMPLY THE BEST " 😍

To be honest……that headbanger Smell is too much……it really hurts the nose ……Sour to the Max……if your Filter isnt on Poin you Are fu…ed….

I have Seven different genetics in there….apple fritter,di frutti,Zombie Kush,Amnesie……and a Few Elite Cuts that somebody Mixed up….so i dont know for sure what it is ……headbanger is the only Smell that hits when opening the tent


Ok officially out of likes

Great job


Question …with Led…what temps und RH are you Guys running ?? What is best ?

This is the Apple fritter , getting colour


Not lower than 26c and whatever the summer pushes it to be
Rh 50-60
If I’m in heatwave I will lower ec - 0.1 , if really hot minus 0.2

Apple fritter looks great : )


Nice looks great :+1:

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At the Moment i am at 25c…the Problem ,if i Go Higher the RH goes Up to 70 plus …


Unfortunately in the summer I need to contend with high humidity and even higher temperatures

When it’s 98 to 100 out side and the lights are on it’s a problem we all share


@Franky you will have to splash out in a dehumidifier

Nice to have tho : )


@ifish the Deal is,there are 2 tents in one room,the air goes Out the Window…i Pump fresh Air in the room 24/7… Do i need one dehumityfier in the room or do i need one in every tent ???


What you think about the apple fritter compared to core cut and the Headbanger


Try one, if it not work take the second.


The Apple fritter Looks nice ……week 6 it startet getting Color ……Havent smoked it yet though……to be honest i expected more from her……but i had some humitidy Problems as mentioned……could be she is not performing her best……

This is the one i like the Most at the Moment at least …….this is di frutti i selected ….maybe i Like her bevorstehen the high is so pleasing…….it is Like Sunshine in your Body


@Villiager apple fritter is something completly different ……nothing to compare……the core cut is the core cut……i Like growing her and Smoking her……i know her so well ….she and all the other Amnesie Cuts give me the biggest yields all the time ……headbanger is the Most stinky….plant you can grow……it really hurts your nose……Like a sting in the nostrils…….awesome


@Franky its your call
If just in open room you will need one that’s big enough
So you dehumidifying whole room
Costly to run ?

Or if you can put a smaller one in each tent

Me I’m right ass ( electricity )
I assume dehumidifying tents cheaper than doing big room ? But maybe big one it’s similar and extra space in tent more worth it

My Rez is outside grow room so that makes life easier


Do you guys have the core cut or similar ?


My rez is inside the tent …but thats No Problem…the Problem is the weather …today we have humitdy about 65-70 where i live …@ifish can you send a Link about the one you have?
I believe IT might BE cheaper to Run a big one then 2 small ones…i dont know
Yes the Core Cut ist here very common


I was given mine , it’s a tiny stupid one , but it works

My room is only 1 meter high , had to down size for a while as son and his girlfriend live with us at moment

In winter it will change for you as cool air when heated is a lot drier regarding rh, so problem I bet is seasonal for you ie a summer thing

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I ask about core cut as paps is fan and I owe him big time , most of what I have and will be giving out , wouldn’t be possible had it not been for him
: )
Just throwing it out there if anyone can help us out


I bought a big one now… dehumityfier…because i am going in vacation and there is Nobody that could empty few smaller ones everyday…after vacation i will be buying 2 small ones…For every tent one…Big one uses too much Energie

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Good morning
To be honest…i might be Not expirienced enough…but i Just cant get my climate good in the tent …Well it’s Summer and everything…so i have about 24-25 degress in the Appartement…but in the tent the degrees raise Up to 30+…and humitidy doesnt Go below 65…the exaust is working to the Limit…around 1000m3 so constant Air Exchange…my whole growing carreer i grew in rooms,basements,Warehouses…never really in tents bevor…the VPD in the tent is totally fucked Up.
So now i Just opened the tents,darken the Window and grow without tent
How do you Guys control the climate in the tent.?
I feel i am too stupid to get IT in Check

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