Mathew Perry dead

also… i enjoyed the ‘whole 9 yards’ movie.


Good movies, i like the whole 10 yards a little more…especially when bruce willis tells him he fell down the stairs hahaha…

But this thread isnt about what killed him, its a remembrance thread for an aeesome actor/comedian … we all have struggles… im sure some of our family and friends will make assumptions about how we died when we do and that doesnt make me feel good…


i guess it’s a good time to rewatch them :+1:


Sad, rest in paradise :pray:t3:


To bad one must remember the good a person has done not the bad

He made it in an industry where few are able to succeed. Chandler will live on forever. But Matthew Perry was a struggling actor. …Struggling with his own battles. RIP Matthew.


I’m thinking a heart attack

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Creative people and Comedians especially seem to battle with the most demons. They’re in touch with things and feel things much more deeply. You can see this again and again in musicians/actors/artists/writers.

I remember seeing fools rush in in 1997 in the theatres and thought he was going to go on to do many more movies. Seems the drugs/demons derailed most of his potential.


Not to be a prick…, but 150,000 muthafukers die each and everyday., His horrendous acting did not make him special. Although he could of been a good person I dont’t know this dude…

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Could just be a screen saver of lines on that phone. :rofl:
Elvis didn’t die on the toilet from old age. He died from temptation. Drugs, booze-pussy. Everyone wants some. Everyone wants to get ya high. Party with the king. Fuck the king.
Mathew had pussy falling out of his pocket.


I meet him once. I served him at a restaurant in Calgary.


“I’m all shook up, baby…now pass me another handful of quaaludes and get on the bed…”
-Elvis probably

Matt was hilarious in everything. Hope he can fiind the peace in death that he could not find in life. Very sad.


Lol! :laughing:

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Day after day after day. Until his heart blew out pushing a dump out.

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How many people personally know Tommy Chong? Not too many…but a world full of stoners will mourn when he passes…lol


That’s awesome @breadwinner theres a few people I must show this too. Very cool :sunglasses:

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Likely a rogue body double. Found some footage of the real one in a documentary.


lol could be.
Even the tub, you got money, you got a tub you can stretch out in. very hard for a tall person to fall asleep in a regular tub and have their head underwater when they do. You get leg cramps, you get the taps poking, and half your body is out of the water anyway.
If they were really friends, they would have been like Chandler you are way too thin to handle a lot of pills and booze. Mark Walberg that is the kind of famous friend a famous person should seek out. Mark would want to train him, be like “You Got This.” “Step By Step.” working out gives you “Good Vibrations.” “Now lets go open up a burger joint.”


Asking why a person dies is natural. Paramount to the species’ survival.
we dissect the dead just to find out.
I judge. I am a judging person. I find it useful.


We won’t know unless there is an open autopsy.

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