Maybe maybe not šŸ§

Alright folks a while back about a year ago I acquired some gg4xbubble gum from Corey

He crossed a gg4 with marks bubble gum ā€¦

I managed to plant two about two month ago ā€¦
Now we all know the ā€œproblemā€ with MARKS autos practically a fast finisher ā€¦needs a trigger to flower

Anyways Iā€™m reaching out to see if anyone has obtained these seeds and are willing to barter them


So what are you looking for? Marks Bubblegum?


Sorry I do not have it. I have the stuff to make it though.


Orinially it was gg4xbubble gum Yeah Marks bubblegum is the main thing Iā€™m chasing though

I have two outdoors and the smell is literally bubble gum :upside_down_face:

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One day brother I will become secure enough to make my own babies :crazy_face:

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I want to say Iā€™ve got the straight up bubblegum of Markā€™s that @repins12 was using to make a bunch of his recent crosses (can you confirm please, repins?). I wouldnā€™t mind parting ways as Iā€™ve got more than enough on my plate as always and even more to get to, be happy to get em in the hands of someone thatā€™d use em


Also have ALMOST everything of Markā€™s in the ā€œOle Stash Bagā€. Holler if you donā€™t find enough. SS/BWā€¦mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Trust me they will be used!

So many offers I appreciate it fellas


The gg4 cross from Corey, was made, with pollen, I sent him. Itā€™s regular pollen, not feminized but, I believe that I may still have some, in the deep freeze. All of the regular auto crosses, that I made were made with this pollen, it was a helluva plant


Glad to hear from yah bro !

went and checked on the two and whoof I just kept smelling my finger :crazy_face: in my head I was just thinking ā€¦must seek out the seed
The conditions have been less then fair to her outdoors ā€¦the image of what they Could have been is instilled in my mind . Moving up to the front

Dang I would deff say itā€™s a hell of a plant if you dusted the pollen on all your regular autos crosses .I canā€™t imagine the names you gave to them lol

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This was the Bubble Gum male


Haha priceless
Pollenstorm !
Were all the pretty little females down below pistols open wide :crazy_face:

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