MethodAnon’s Grow Log

…I soiled my pants… :drooling_face:


Those look so incredible @methodanon . You sure do beautiful work with these Bodhi crosses. Really doing them justice, such gorgeous plants.


Appreciate that Matt! I just try to keep the leaves green brother. Credit to Bodhi, the plants themselves, and whoever came up with the hempy bucket idea.

With that said I plan to keep it coming, I’ve had a little bit of a seed buying addiction going on lately lol. Zoot and Razzberry hashplant on deck, and then on to the rest of them!


Quite the collection of bodhi my friend! Those plants are all looking great, I hope your time away was enjoyable too brother :+1:


Thanks buddy! Im looking forward to watching your run as well.


I also went on a little recent buying spree. We are going to be great friends.


Hell yeah Matt. Your overdue to start a grow log here boss…

In other news, I killed another couple males; 1 Zoot and 1 Razzberry Hashplant. We’re down to 1 razzberry hashplant, 1 zoot, and the Master of Muppet Clones in veg. Both of those stains are rocking hollow stems;

Here’s hoping males show early and I have nothing but females left.


Interesting side story here boys. Back in the winter I bought a pack of Cali ice f2s from @JAWS. He gave me the heads up as we approached spring that there were possibly some cracked seeds in the pack and offered to replace them. Anyways I found a couple of cracked seeds, threw them in a peat pot, and surprisingly they germinated. I didn’t have the space inside, so I put them outside hidden amongst the honeysuckle plants.

Well when the trees grew in the spring, the plants weren’t getting much light at all, but they were alive and doing their thing.

I went and checked on them today, and check it out!

Looks like I’ll have some access to pollen here soon! I’m going to do a little research on drying and keeping it, thinking ill hit a branch or 3 next run.


excellent, crisp pic to boot.

very nice …


What a pleasant surprise my friend! Here’s a little quick how-to that @DougDawson wrote up for indoor collection that I had saved if you want to gander at his method.


I have a large bag of perilite on route to my house so I can give the hempy and run alongside my Earthbox sip system. Best flower I’ve ever grown came from the earth box and the least investment of time. Just dumped compost tea down the fill tube every week and the microbial was rediculous.

From what I’m seeing with your grow looks like similar results cab be achieved


i was looking back and looks like you chopped MC at like 8.5 weeks? im planning a vacation and banking on 10 weeks plus time to dry because i expect the DI to go a little longer, both done around 9 would be great tho


I think you’ll be ok. There seems to be phenos on both sides of 8 weeks. Mc3 was done at 8, mc1 could have gone 10-11, mc4 could have gone 9-10. I could have been more patient by a week or 2. I remember after vacation i saw a white fuzzy mold on the perlite, and I panic harvested a little bit.


Just a Saturday afternoon peek into the flower tent. Day 47 of 12/12. Week 8 starts Tuesday.

In other news, I’m about 90% sure Zoot #3 (j1 hashplant) is a female thank goodness, I was starting to think I may end up with all males on the new stuff. I see calyx preflowers I believe but no pistils yet so i suppose i can’t be certain.


I’m really excited about Master of Muppets #1. Some of the frostiest flowers I’ve ever grown. Not a single amber trichome.


Alright boys it’s Saturday and I have a little more free time than usual. I pulled out the ole scope, and I’m now 100% certain that Zoot #3 is a female. I’m 90% sure that my last Razzberry Hashplant is female.

So the next flower run will be:

Master of Muppets 1 (clone) currently day 36 in perlite

Master of Muppets 2 (clone) currently day 36 in perlite

Razzberry Hashplant x1 (Goji Razz x 88g13hp) currently day 28 above ground.

Zoot x1 (J1 x 88g13hp) currently day 37 above ground.

It’s going to be my first time running a non wookie cross and I love that I have some variety. I figure I’ll clone them all and they’ll hit 12/12 in the first half of September.


Well I ran out of likes a couple times but I’m all caught up now. Looking incredible!


Thank you bro !


Mouth watering… That MC is calling to me also…but so are alot of other bodhi strains like Tripping Unicorn and Phone Home… and I know most Bodhi fans would roll their eyes, but I’m also very curious to see that Gelato 41/G13HP cross… got 7g of G41 a while back and thought it was pretty nice all around…

Having to cut strains out of your garden is always hard, at least for me. Where is your mind at with your setup? You see yourself rocking like this for a while, or see yourself expanding asap?

Also, What are your night(lights off) temps?


Thanks Kon!

Lights off temps run 68-72f.

As for the setup, do you mean lights/tents etc, or strains?

I would love to upgrade to bigger tents & lights eventually, really just because space is such a luxury comfort wise. With that said I’m growing way more than I need, so it’s no big rush. I’ll probably look to add a basic tent/light to throw in the garage where I can flower out a male, I definitely want to start making some seeds.

Short term I’m just looking to get 4 different top shelf keepers. Looks/Smell/Taste/etc all come second to the smoke test, I’m looking for blow your mind effects lol. MC I decided not to keep, but I did give cuttings to a couple buddies incase I miss her.