Micro Growing with Mr. Sparkle *2018*

That is pretty much all the info I needed. The whole thing, with a metal shade, costs £2.92 for 50W. That is about half a pint of beer in a pub. If it is not used for veg, I will use it as a floodlight.

At that price, I could use it as a doorstop.


I was just about to ask you :grin:

Thanks for the thermos. They’re slick as shit. Right up my alley and accurate as hell…82° ambient temp


I just did a search on OG for Kannabia as they have a CBD strain I was interested in. I’ll pass, thanks for documenting your experience, that was helpful.


5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Dark Sparks with Mr.Sparkle : Growing 2019

This is an incredible post, so much knowledge.

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Please tell me after all your hard work growing such wonderful buds and then ruin them doing a heated fast dry in 2-3 days. Hope not, your plants are beautiful…
Slow dry, hang em for 10-12days…

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Yup still drying in that heat 1450 days later * sarcasm * :wink: