MMS 2024 Outdoor Grow Show

@ManyManySpliffs I’m happy to see they landed safely for you! I’m looking forward to seeing a few on your rooftop one day! Enjoy, bud! :fist:t3:🪶🪶


Thanks @NDNCHILD, you’re one of the people I wanted to send beans to, if you want them. I don’t believe your envelope had a legible return address, so if you want them PM your deets and I’ll get those out for you ASAP.

@DougDawson @Jonesfamily7715 @BasementGardens I wanted to send to you 3 also, if you want. I have return addresses from your envelopes already but still wanted to check to make sure they’re correct. Don’t want to send beans to the wrong place lol. That pollen I won from @DougDawson going to use today, on any plant not too far along in flower.

@Tlander thanks for the welcome and I’m going to get that worked out somehow.


The address is correct but you don’t need to send me anything bud. Glad you got the pollen, hope it works well for you. :v:


@DougDawson yeah I know I didn’t have to but you always looking out for us with all the giveways, etc so just wanted to do something nice for you for a change.


Kind of you, but I am buried in seeds as it is, please enjoy :green_heart:


Would love to see how them Malawi do in your climate hope you find something you like out of it.


Oh hell yeah, the cards & flips made it! Cool. I hope they work out for ya.
Return address and name is fake by the way… don’t send anything there. :+1:


Thanks @Ivy that’s part of why I was checking before sending anything to anyone. Didn’t know who might be using a bogus address lol. PM me your deets and I’ll get something out to you, if you want it.

@Jonesfamily7715 if you want some beans PM me your deets, not sure if what’s on the envelope is legible enough to get it correct. If it’s even correct.


Well as promised updated pics of my guerilla location. Haven’t been there in 3-4 weeks, so kind of was expecting a disaster but they pretty decent. Might say they even look better than the ones on the roof with better care lol. Just had a ton of big caterpillars to remove, but aside from that good condition. I sprayed them with my usual vinegar, soap mix for the bugs and that was it. Had to remove a male, so I’m down to 6 plants in that location. Love how these stacking up, they certainly grow different without all that LST, FIM’ing that I did to the ones on the roof. Only the one that looks short was LST’ed. The two biggest are over 6ft, I’m 6’1 and they’re taller than me. Hopefully they don’t get anymore height but I don’t think they’re done growing. I’m definitely hitting like 3 of these with that pollen from @DougDawson from how they look i believe they’ll finish alright.

I also had to chop 4 from the roof, took pics of them hanging but not before the chop. It was too hot to stop for pics at the time sorry.

The four I just chopped are in front of the mirror, well thats only 3 of them. One is still in the bucket being washed before the hang. I’m finally about to smoke one for the day, been working all morning smh…


Smokem if ya gotem


Nice to see you are in Jamaica, big change from the states in terms of seasons, light and temperature.

Growing your own plants is so rewarding in countless ways. Enjoy your harvested buds and keep on growing more :muscle:

Looks like the community is doing a good job providing you with enough genetics to fill out the roof. Next step is making more seeds :raised_hands:


Heya @ManyManySpliffs
Been to your whole thread
Big UP fi yah Jamaïcan Ghetto Warrior style’zzz
Man i like when nothing Can become container
Foundational Roots!!!
Peace out breden


@Ras-T @Rastafarhigh I and I would like to big up the both of you for stopping by the farm. Yeah mon you have to use what you have and make something outta nothing. A so the thing set. Harvest time so me a stay busy, soon update with new pics.


Pon di axe Inna Di roof!!!:muscle::pray:


They’re looking awesome for a guerilla grow. After three weeks and still going. :person_cartwheeling::woman_cartwheeling::man_cartwheeling: I’m still trying to find a self-watering site where I live but it’s a search.

Thanks for that and yeah I was really surprised. We been getting rain pretty often lately so that might’ve been what’s saving me. It’s a gift and a curse cause it’s also caused budrot on some of the plants that are further along. @rasterman
K+ I’m outta likes…


Ahha… found your journal. It will take some time to catch up, but looking forward to the show.

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Glad to have you here bud @GCBudz

Well it’s been awhile since I’ve updated this journal. I’ve been swamped with harvesting and finding places to put everything, it’s just alot going on. Have people here working on the house, so that’s been putting a damper in my plans to start my next round. Plus my ladies been alittle neglected. I would like to see how these turn out with the less is more approach versus the first batch harvested with more care and feedings. Didn’t take pics of a few because I was too embarrassed on how they look, but they might turnout to be fire. Getting a grapefruit, cantaloupe, chocolate aroma from some. The less is more approach might actually be working with these being sativa. Still need to check on guerilla location, a few of those should be ready.

Took pics from a distance then a close-up on the top bud of each that I haven’t considered a total loss.

Thanks for stopping by until next time. :v:t5:


Love this rooftop grow! Following along. K+