MMS 2024 Outdoor Grow Show

I am so Glad to see that Missile get through… @ManyManySpliffs !

Wow, Patience Wins!!
Have Fun with those, Grand Central, in the Caribbean !!!


Happy to see they made the journey. I hope you find something good in there.


Sweet! Glad the made em and glad you’re safe after the storm :call_me_hand:


Just some quick updated pics on the next 3 plants to be chopped. I took one away shot and one close-up of the bud. Pinky aka Pink Lambsbread came down but you can see her sister still standing next to her on the left in the fridge. Thanks for those stopping by. Now for the long wait before actually being able to smoke all this herb smh…

@mota @Indicana_Jones @US3RNAM3 @BobbyBudz @Sintax @Rhai88 @belleswell @AppalachianBiscuits @BasementGardens @hammerheadgenetics @Seedsman @seeds2weeds @MOX


Looking nice, like the colors.


Hey everyone, I was in such a rush to post up yesterday forgot to put up the harvest pics. Well what’s harvested as of right now, still got alot left to cut in the next few weeks. I’m really loving Pinky aka Pink Lambsbread (she got a strong old time haze smell and I’m loving it). Hopefully she got a few beans. Think I may have lost a bunch during those washes, found 2 in the wash I did today. Never thought to check in the previous ones. Until next time…


Looks amazing bro! You are definitely gonna have to give some smoke reports!:exploding_head:. The pink love the pink bud. What altitude are you at?


Nice work!

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Looks like an amazing harvest!


Well I’ve been MIA, sorry about that. Had some family in town and had to ease back on my gardening. Kind of neglected them a little here and there to not draw too much attention to them. Lost two to budrot because of this and have a bunch of others not looking their best. I’ll have to check on my guerilla spot tomorrow and post up some pics on those also. Chopped a few and didn’t get to take pics of the pre-chop. I have pics of them hanging and I’ll post those. I have alot of catching up and fixing now that the family is finally gone. Plus I’m ready to start trading out these Jamaican landrace beans, so if you interested PM me with what you got and we can work something out asap. Have about 150+ available, so once those are all gone that’s it. Now on to the ladies, as always sorry for not taking the best pics.

Harvest pics

I’m already running outta jars to store all this bud, going to have to use bags or closeable bins next. A few of these are ready to come down and the next set put up, but I’m never looking forward to all that trimming smh. Plus all the bud washing for the next set. This is the part that sucks azz :joy: but I’ve been putting it off long enough. Happy Growing OG’ers!


Beautiful plants my man! When does flowering start in your location? I see you are harvesting outside and here my plants are maybe 10 days into flower.


I’m not sure of a specific time here but mine been flowering since June, from me looking back in my journal. I’m used to August flowering when I was living in the states, so this is a new schedule to me. @420noob


Got your envelopes ready to be shipped today. I don’t waste no time. Now have to just get a ride to the post office and we in there. @djtrip @Tlander @DGCloud Anyone else looking to trade hit me up while the getting is good, especially if you’re a sativa lover. Me personally I’m looking for Indicas/Hybrids (with a heavy couchlock). Happy growing OG’ers!


It’s a bummer about the bud rot, but you’re still making progress with the rest.

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Well it was Christmas yesterday. Went to the post office to mail out some beans to a few OG members and received quite a nice pickup I must say. Pics of all that arrived and a big thank you to you all. If you see something you sent and I didn’t give you credit for, I apologize. Not all envelopes had a name or something to identify by, guess from those wanting to be anonymous. I can’t stop cheesing right now I’m so excited for these and a few of you I want to send something as a thank you. I’ll be sure to PM you before I do to make sure it’s cool.

@BasementGardens @NDNCHILD @DougDawson @BirD @Jonesfamily7715 @Budderton @Wizdom @Pigeonman @HomegrownVABudz

Oh and a big thank you to whoever Eric is from NC for the supplies. It’ll make me sending out beans a bit easier. Again if you see something you sent thank you. That’s why I always got love for my OG family. Speaking of OG family found out they wouldn’t let me mail to Thailand yesterday, so I’m going to check with a bigger post office first and see what they say. If not, might have to send to one of you to get to our buddy in Thailand @Tlander


You should collect your mail more than once every couple of months. :scream: :rofl:


I collect every few weeks because mail usually takes so long to get here and plus it’s hard to get a ride to the post office. So I have to make it count when I am able to go. @THCeed


Glad they made it! :green_heart::green_heart: I was just wondering about them yesterday lol


You’re gonna have to build another building in order to have enough roof-top space bro! :rofl: Congrats and Welcome to OG!



Love the surprise, every time. Awesome for you.