MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

High @Andrexl . :+1:t4:

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If I had not already sent that Blue Tara pollen to you I would have put one of those 50mg gummies in there for you to try out.
Like I said those tens do pretty much nothing. The fifties put me down. I would have had to eat five of those tens to get a buzz.
Also, I’ve noticed that the CBN is the stuff that removes your legs.


I might have to try again but I seriously ate like 10" x 10" piece of oil infused brownie and I felt like I had had nothing at all. lolol


Dam, not even a sugar rush, :grinning:


Well there was that sugar rush and a bit of nausea. :joy:
I’m not keen on overdoing sweets at all.


Maybe a miscalculation on the recipe??? I don’t know. I’m sure there are those that edibles do nothing for.
In my experience, tho I thought, what the hell?? I feel nothing from this. I tried again. Several times. I got nothing. Then I confronted the dispo. They told me to up the dosage. He said especially if you are a frequent cannabis user. It would take more for the desired effect. Went to the fifties. They work good. Last night was actually an accidental double dose. But dam, did I sleep good?

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Well then I’ll give that a try. I know that the brownies were done up right though. We have since then kept two friends with medical issues supplied with cookies, brownies and straight oil. Both tell me that they have to watch how much they dose with or it’s just too much for them.


Edibles do nothing to me. I have made brownies that others could barely eat because they were so strong. I can eat as many as I want and nothing……
Tried 100 mg gummies…… nada


I read an article about this. It said that people who can’t experience edibles were born without a certain enzyme in their liver that allows you to process THC. I’ve often wondered about the other aspects of pot though. Like if I eat CBD will it have any effects on my system…


CBD and THC are entirely two different beasts. I have tried to use CBD for pain, and nausea to no effect.


The way I understand it, it takes the THC to make the CBD kick in. I might have it wrong though.

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I have strains of CBD with so little THC and it seems to work as planned.

Yeah. It sucks but it is what it is. :roll_eyes:

Do you still have any of that Blueberry CBD?

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Nothing edible or tincture/ointment works on me with. Rose can do ok with em though…

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Sorry to bust in here ladies… But as a white haired fool I feel entitled :smirk:to join this conversation …y’all are going on like you never heard of building up a tolerance to weed… I have a nephew… he got busted years ago. He was a dabber…the cops told him he had the highest THC levels in his blood that they had ever seen! I forget what the numbers were, and it doesn’t matter…it took months of going dry for his levels to come down to a “normal” range. 6-8 weeks or so of testing like 3 days a week…my point is that habitual use builds tolerance…so, if you take a break from THC…even a week or two. When you come back to it,it seems fresh again… Lesser quantity will yield good results. Id have to say it’s been true im my life as well, after a break from weed, when you go back it’s better than ever…or at least as good as it ever was…hope my 2 cents is ok in this crowd


I agree with you. I think its the same with caffeine. :smile:


Good morning everyone.
I ran away from the other thread because of cake envy and came here :joy::flushed:.
Tolerance breaks work for some people. A small portion of people process edibles in a way that makes them ineffective. I believe @MoBilly also has never experienced mushrooms :mushroom::flushed::disappointed:


So, lol should I post the pics here too? :rofl:
Naw lol that’d be just plain mean lol


Don’t you dare!!! :joy::rofl::drooling_face::drooling_face:

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