MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

I Dare you…

Y’all crack me up. :rofl:

Another day, another clinic.
I hate that it’s that way now.

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I’ve got maybe half an ounce left. I’m blending it with my other stuff. It helps.


I guess I coulda, shoulda, said HI first, maybe even a good morning :sweat_smile:

Seems many here are kindred spirits of a certain age, we can remember better days, but also forget alot!!
Has anyone else noticed that when you smoke a little “strange” it hits a bit harder than if you smoke your regular? Not always- but provided it’s of similar grade that also seems to be true ,


You are more than welcome to jump in and thanks for stopping by.

With me, it’s not a tolerance thing. I’ve only been doing this for a couple of years. The thing is that edibles was my plan when deciding to use THC for my meds. I didn’t have any tolerance buildup at that time. I’d only smoked a few times before.
I knew smoking helped with the pain so I had no choice but to take up smoking.
I’m still not a fan of breathing in all that smoke but I will for the relief I get That’s a fact.

Edit: there’s also the taste. I rather like that.


Thanks for the welcome😃. Hmm. Not such a fan of edibles myself, I prefer the old fashioned smoking techniques. Just starting to appreciate the pain relieving properties myself. Just another benefit😆

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Mornin @MoBilly and all you OGers. Boy been a busy thread this mornin. Every time I come here i learn more and more. Still learning about the different straines, CBD, THC, Edibles, smoke,etc…. All I want is the pain to go away and still be able to function.

Today is day 3 for me reducing duloxetine by 10mg per day. In two weeks I should be completly off it or dead.

I have used cbd topicals that Trish made for me and it helped with the foot pain.The cbd she used was less than .3 % thc. In my mind (feeble as it is) more may be better.

My Frankies are about to show her true leaves and my hope is this will help. (Thank you @JohnnyPotseed for the seed)

Time will tell… I really don’t care what the method of taking it is. I will do what ever delivers the best results. I think everybody’s system is different and I also think people can figure it out.

Thanks to all of you that are willing to share their own experience’s, it certainly help me process this concept better.

Enjoy your day everybody!


Do you own a handheld microscope? Something like this.


If not, I would suggest you obtain one for checking out what the trichomes look like when time comes to harvest.
You will probably want to let your plants go until you get way into the amber range before you chop. The microscope is the only way I can see them enough to determine how far they are along.


Good choice! The first gummy might have been lonely if you didn’t have a second one, that would have been mean…always take at least two so the gummies don’t have to be digested alone :joy:


I have this exact same one.


@THCeed ,
I’m thinking about getting one that isn’t quite so strong. That one is 60x at it’s lowest setting if I’m not mistaken. I think a 40x would give you a good view without being so touchy about my shaking hands.


See??? I’m a legend in my own mind, and didn’t even realize it!


You are a legend in your mind and many of ours too Big Mike!

Please note: Don’t try this with alcohol, it will lead end a huge rowdy party :stuck_out_tongue:


Been there, done it. I’m responsible for many keggers back in the day.


@BigMike55 is a myth isn’t he? Grower of trees and jungles. He stands ten feet tall so he can defoliate the top of his girls!


Ah! Yes!
BigMike, the Man, the Myth, the Legend.



Well brother, you insist on showing off those monsters so you are just going to be forced to live with the adulation of your fans.


No I don’t have one like that, I have a regular compound microscope. I do think I will need one of those. Is that the one you use?

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Yes. It works great. There are digital ones that you can use on your phone or tablet… With those, you can take pictures to post on here. Those are awesome because you can have a little advice from friends. Especially when you happen to get some kind of pest on your plants and need help identifying them…