MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

Yes I do @TopShelfTrees1. Thanks to @BigMike55 ! They’ll be in water very soon. The nanner dust in the flower room forced a delay on flipping my four juvenile plants. I’m not real sure what to do TBH.
I have two auto fem Canna Cheese in the tent. No worries there. They can stay there and finish out at 24 hours per day.
The SDxSQ and the Chocolate Rain, however, will be ready to flip in ~ 2 weeks. I can’t run the veg tent at 12/12 with babies in there. So I wait. Now’s the problem’s problem. One of the two sativas in there has thrown nanners. They are looooong flowering… I can’t wait seven weeks to flip these last four. The 4x4 tent would be packed to the gills.

I’m considering giving the VB and the AR another 2 weeks and then chopping them. That’ll put them at around 11 weeks.

Will dropping the light to say 10 or even 9 hours of light per day cause them to finish early? The AR seems to be anyway due to stress but the VB is still bulking up.


Here’s a picture of the veg tent.

I’ve got this going on with my large CC.

Does that look like magnesium deficiency to you guys?
It’s the older fan leaves mid to upper level on the plant.
I’ve got a little yellowing on the lower leaves but I’m pretty sure she needs more nitrogen than the others in the tent.
I was reminded to ask for help sooner than later so…


Good morning brother Mo, and all OG!

Looks like a combo there brother. PH can be off along with Phosphorus def, that can also be joined by Calcium deficiency


Good morning @MoBilly, @JohnnyPotseed, @BigMike55, @Weednerd.Anthony, @m0sirys, @Emeraldgreen, @TopShelfTrees1 and all the rest of green room gang. Having coffee :coffee: and getting high. Looks :eyes: like we are going to get a nice day, sun :sun_with_face: in shining. :wink::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::ok_hand::peace_symbol:


I think JP is on the right track here. But I am going to take it a step further and say it’s very possible you have a nutrient lockout. This is why you are seeing varied symptoms.
If this is the case you will need to flush the soil in your bucket. Since you are using these SIPS, I would take the plant and soil out and flush it that way. Trying to flush it in the bucket will create a problem because it will be hard to get the water out and you don’t want the plant to uptake the flushed water. After flushing take plant and soil and just put it back in the bucket.


Morning bro.
Several grows ago, I had to do this to two plants I was growing in well used soil, that I had failed to flush before reusing. Bottom line, I did like OJ just said. He might have even been the person who suggested it. Worked like a charm and saved two nice plants.


Goodmorning @MoBilly and everyone

I hope your Sunday morning is nice and easy !


Good morning @MoBilly and crew hope y’all have a great Sunday!


Good morning @JohnnyPotseed @OhNo555 @Oldjoints @BigMike55 @Weednerd.Anthony and @Hotrods_and_hounds .

Thanks for the advice everyone.
I have an aquarium siphon pump. I’ll extract the water with that through the fill tube and fill back up with fresh pH’d water. I can do that two times and probably get a good flush. :+1:t4:
Thanks again everyone.


Good morning @MoBilly today is looking like a good day , it’s needed and deserved. Hopefully you all have an amazing day


Good morning brotha :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope youre sunday is a relaxing one.

Looks like you in good hands on the advice. I would also check the distance of the light from the top of her since she is in the middle and getting the most lumens.


@TopShelfTrees1 and @InTheWoods ,
It will be a good one.
I’ll be playing some music for folks at a home today and then carpentry. The floor in my wife’s cousin’s home got soaked by a split line under the trailer she didn’t know about. My buddy Ron (lead guitar picker in the band) is in no shape to fix it so, after the nursing home, I’m headed over there to finish what I started yesterday. We got home after midnight last night and I am hurting everywhere. I haven’t had to do any big jobs like this in a while and I feel like I went two rounds with a pissed off Mike Tyson right now.
But the show must go on. lol


Will do. Thanks.

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Don’t overdue it and hurt yourself bro, have a blast at the gig!


A split water line? Dang brotha hope it goes smooth on the second leg of the job.


If you are going to flush I wouldn’t refill for at least a day or two………


Her 17 year old son will be home today. Even though he doesn’t know one end of a hammer from the other, he will be a big help. I’ll just call him “Gopher” as in “go fer this, go fer that”. lol
He’ll also get a lesson in carpentry. That’ll be good for the boy. All he knows is video games and girls.


Okay. That’s the plan then.


Nice! He may not appreciate the lesson today, years later he will.

Have fun at the gig brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Have fun brother @MoBilly

I had fun painting this 50+ year old table with my kids…

Wife totally buried the hatchet with the age of the table / i didn’t ask about that right before i make this post…
The work is meh, but damn that wood is still solid :fire::fire: