MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

Good morning everyone :grin::grin::coffee:
Have a great day.

Take it easy on the repairs.


The memories of the experience with the kids is pure gold. Hopefully one of them keeps it in their lives for a great many years. :+1:t4:

I’ll be taking it pretty easy today. The kid needs to learn how to keep HIS house repaired. Because some day, too soon, It’ll be his to do. Ron and his wife adopted the boy late in life. He’s a good kid but just lacks motivation.

Well, I’m off. Catch you all later. Maybe. If not then tomorrow.


leaching the soil works best if you run a 25% solution through it, or use distilled water.

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Morning @MoBilly Raining here. Almost over. The missus walks anyways for an hour. Cold too! Yesterday??? It was colder and pouring. Out she goes. Comes home just soaked! She’s friggin’ awesome! Really pushes me where otherwise, it could be different. Got a bunch in veg to trim up prior to 12/12 in 7-10 days.
Going with GH Maxigro and Maxibloom. if I can get my girls liking them, and I bet they do, I just found nutrients I can use as my base for a lot of feeds. Save some $…

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good morning @MoBilly and friends! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

have a good start into the week :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face: :slight_smile: :vulcan_salute:


Good morning brother Mo, & all OG!


Morning bro Mo.
Hope you’re doing well.

Good morning @m0sirys @JohnnyPotseed and @BigMike55 .
I’m doing okay. Moving slowly. We didn’t get done with Eva’s cousin’s kitchen floor until late. We got home after midnight. That’s the longest work day I’ve put in in a long time.
I have to say, though, I was pleasantly surprised how much help her son was. At 17 he should know more but both his parents are older people and not very handy to begin with. About all he knows is video games. But he’s game. Never complained and did everything I asked just the way I told him to do it.
I believe I need to spend more time with that young man.


Every young man needs A mentor. I got mine when I joined the Army.
But young fellers need to be exposed to things he will need to take care of, in his lifetime.
I know guys that would need to call someone if they had a flat tire. Sad!


I’ve been helping him with his project truck (75 1/2 ton Chevy). We have it running now and put new tires on it. Now we have to work over the breaks. We’re putting in a new master cylinder, slave cylinder, pads…


Good morning @MoBilly and friends! Hope your day was awesome yesterday and you guys had a blast!


I like this, so many young people like that just need some guidance, kindness and to be shown they can be productive and do things that don’t involve tech. Much respect


Morning @MoBilly and crew, what kinda flooring did ya teach him? Sub floor or hardwood install?


@Hotrods_and_hounds we put in a subfloor. It was rotted out under the bottom plate (replaced about 8’ of that) so we had some wall repair to do as well.


That’s truly a skill set people should learn, especially how much houses cost now. Had a conversation the other day with a contractor priced out a pole barn and he kicked back a ridiculous number. Told me a 800 sqft pole barn was gonna cost like 65k. He made the comment “ who you gonna have do it?” Told him I was gonna have to for that price. He just looked at me. Cause for real I get material is expensive but not 65k expensive.


It’s insane! My aunt is building a house and the prices they are being quoted literally boggle my mind!
They built an elevator, cool glass one, cuz they are both in their 70’s, just to have it installed and function properly 11000$ and it’s framed in and ready to go strictly installing it :man_facepalming:t2:

I couldn’t imagine trying to come up with the scratch to build even a small home. I sold my mill a while back. Then I almost immediately regretted it.
We are putting a new one together.


Now when you say mill like from logs to board? Also sorry I’m slowly getting likes back this morning. I was playing in the charity auctions liking a bunch of stuff.


Oh man , I’d love to know someone with one.

My mill will take a 17’ log at 30" dia. I had one just like it that I sold to my Nephew who said he’d cut my stuff when needed. Then he moves almost 200 miles away.
My brother is helping me with the expense of the new one.