MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

Good morning @MoBilly and the rest of the morning crew! Feeling great this morning after a much needed long ass sleep! Hope everyone’s weekend is going awesome!


You got to work with what you get :joy::joy::joy:, if I had my way it would only rain when I was asleep and be sunny, dry, and about 78*. As long as I don’t have to go out in it. Guess it will have to be OK :ok_hand:! :wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Amen my friend, so true! Not a fan of rain either tbch


Good morning everyone. Gonna be a nice day today. Sunny until late this evening. Then its hold on to your hat time.


Good morning and happy weekend Mobilly and the green room parties!! How’s you guys weekend starting?


Good morning @Sourpatch707 @m0sirys @JohnnyPotseed @OhNo555 @TopShelfTrees1 @BigMike55 and @Hotrods_and_hounds !

It’s a beautiful morning in the Ozarks! But Mike be right! Prepare for round # _______ . Look out in the Pacific Ocean and you’ll see wave after wave of storms working their way East. This pattern should stick around for a while.

Pictures of the kids when she drops please.
Love me some baby goat pictures! LOL

I’m moving slow today because I blew out my knee yesterday but doing better. I’ll be taking it fairly easy today and wearing a brace. Still good to be able to get something done though. Shit happens but the work won’t get itself done without help. LOL

I would prefer a year round temp around 70. That would be awesome!


Dang dude , that sucks working the animals with a knee in a brace makes a hard way. I am sorry to hear that, but greatly respect the grind. That’s what a lot of people don’t get. The animals need care no matter how ya feel.


Yeah @Hotrods_and_hounds . You know that’s right. Rain or shine or whatever else, the critters don’t want to hear anything about how bad you got it.
I found a hole that was covered by leaves. The knee went backwards. I’ll cinch the brace up tight. It’ll get me through the day.


yeah the brace works but man once you stop moving the Stiffness setting in how ya got a nice lil break scheduled up for your self with a good jibber!


Morning @MoBilly . Hope all’s well in OG land. @Hotrods_and_hounds the missus always tells me ice it. I hate ice. I’m fricking old and I get cold easy. I like my heating pad, BUT…it isn’t conducive to easing any inflammation.


You better go easy on the knee there, we might be dancin n such come the gathering!
Oh yeah, ya young reprobate!

I promise not to step on yer toes … too much! :scream:


For real? I have always went with a heat pad myself. I also am not a huge fan of icing anything. But i didn’t know it wouldn’t help swelling.

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Try frozen vegetables in bag from your freezer, works great :+1:. Kinda like ice packs made easy without all the fuss and muss! :ok_hand::wink::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Speaking of. lol
Yep. My wife keeps an eye on that and reminds me from time to time. Lately, I even forget to drink enough water and I know how important that is for a fact. I just get zoned in on what I’m doing and forget. Go figure. But yeah, I take breaks and medicate. :v:t5:


I totally get that. The heat pad feels soooooo good but it actually exacerbates the problem.
Danged irony anyway.


I am bro. We’ll see on the dancing at the party thing. I’ll be picking, you’ll be grinning and I’ll bet Rose can dance a jig if the mood hits her. lol
OH and BTW, I didn’t name WHO I was referring to. You filled in the blanks by yourself. :rofl:

Yeah, and it don’t seem fair. lol

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And then your lunch is thawed out and ready to cook.
Win, win.


Dang it, you guys made me learn something today. And it’s my day off work!

In all seriousness, hope all you OGers (and ogres) are having a sweet Saturday :wave: :coffee:


Definitely @emeraldbullfrog . I wish I were able to be out turkey hunting but I’ll take a productive day around the place any day. :+1:t5:
Hope your doing well as well. OH and that billy goat pic you put up… He looks just like my new billy (the father of Big John). lol
I’ll post pics when I get some of him.


Right back atcha Mo, hope you’re having a good productive day around the house with a few laughs and fewer aches. I would love to see mo’ billy goat updates!