MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

Good morning @crownpoodle . It makes me smile knowing that you are back in the saddle again.


We know you love us @MoBilly .


At least you have your foot in the stirrup @crownpoodle . When you’re doing laps at full speed I’ll have a full blown party in your honor!


Good morning Mo, good morning OG’s, have a great Sunday.:peace_symbol:
Got caught up Mo your plants look great, even the little one with all the frost.


Thank you my friend. How’s the VB doing?

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Chatting with my oldest last week about plans. “Recovering, mostly.” She’s had more than her sha of troubles. I said I think I’ve reached the age where I’m “recovering”, from one thing or another from here on.


Well that seems to be a common theme amongst most of my friends on here. lol
We’ll just keep holding each other up in spirit and prayer and rejoicing in the days that things DON’T hurt too awful much. lol


Good morning all. Hope you’re having a great day.

Happy Birthday :balloon::gift::birthday: @OhNo555

Good Morning @MoBilly


Figured I’d pop in and say hi @MoBilly. Hope your having a great day so far

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The VB is getting bigger every day. She’s about 20” tall now. I need to up pot her one more time.


Happy girl! :+1:t3:

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I’ve been working with my plants since about 10 and I’m pretty happy with them ATM. Just a few little feeding changes needed but after the CF my grows have been lately, I have a big smile going. Just sat down to try some herb my friend brought by and have my last cup of coffee for the day…

Yes. I’d say that the day has been a very good one.

How goes the battle on your front?


Sounds like a bust but fulfilling day! I got odd and mountain temple in the drying tent and keeping a close eye on ODD daily watching for anymore bud rot or mold to randomly pop up. So far im good there. Then I had 1 face off seedlings get a bit pissy with me but after a flush I’m confident she will bounce back in a week tops. I’ll plan to top the face off probably 6-7th node and clone all of them and flower the topped plants and save the rest to determine what I want to keep. 1st run with face off will just be a reproduction run. Contemplated throwing gary payton in the face off breeding just to see what thay cross would be like. @leetdood brought up the idea and I really liked gary payton so it might be worth a shot. I’ve had my wife doing stuff for me all weekend so I haven’t really been in the tents too much


We are both fortunate then. When I was laid up, Eva was texting me pictures from the greenroom. She’s been there a lot to see my feed… but her role had been as a go-fer for the most part. But when I needed her to try she did a good job. I knew if something didn’t make it, it wasn’t for lack of trying anyway. lol

OH yeah and Face Off is on my list to run. I’ve had the seeds for a while and been itching to pop some. I just have so many friends that keep gifting me with genetics though! It’s hard to get around to everything. A task which I will never be able to accomplish. lol


There ya go! My wife has definitely came a long way since she was first forced to help me. She still doesn’t love gardening and ill get the casual sigh and let’s get this done already but she’s ready to help if I ask at least. She typically makes water or waters for me but this week she’s been doing a few transplants as I reset a few mother plants for healthier clone stock every so often


Eva’s thing is she has a ton on her plate as well so if I need her to get more water… then I’ll holler. If she can break away from what she’s up to, she’ll fetch what I need. I have to use a shop crawler to get down to plant level so… you know… Both knees and a back blown make it hard to get up and down. lol


Good idea. I’d suggest some mountain temple and odd also. Oh who am I kidding every clone that is ready to flower would be in there.

@MoBilly hows the pantry conversion?


Pretty much have the tool room/storage room emptied and moved into one of the old mobile homes, The new bedroom is taking shape and my kitchen floor is covered in stuff from the old pantry. So it’s a work in progress. lol
Since I’m redoing that storage room into a pantry and don’t actually need that much space, Eva suggested expanding (and doubling) my grow area into that room. The job grew larger but I’m not complaining at all. lol


I have yet to ask permission from my wife but im assuming it will be a big fat no! We ran 4 plants in the 32x32x63 and it was pretty packed this will be 8 plants in the same space so I don’t think she will let me even add 1 more


You guys making way to fill a bunch of a canning storage?