MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

I stayed up with her till 1:00 repeating the process over and over. It must have been 8 or 10 times before she didn’t wilt between them.


Morning good folks of the green room! @MoBilly you Bow hunt?


I’m thinking that you are right @Oldjoints . Right now I want to transplant into something larger and a little dryer but I’m afraid it’ll do her in if I did. Maybe after another day?


I would wait until the pot it is in dries out. That way you can transplant and water it in to relieve any shock it may get.


I hear it called “dope” all the time

… but only when I’m listening to the audiobook version of Inherent Vice. Pynchon is clearly an old head and uses terms like “doper” all the time. Fantastic book too, if you’re into the sixties hippie culture at all then it’s a must read!

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I hunted with a bow for a long time. My shoulder surgery didn’t fix it where I can hold a pull for very long but I’ve thought about getting out there again. I went out during primitive weapons deer season a couple years ago when I wasn’t able to get out during firearms.
No luck though.


Good enough. That’s the plan then.


I love Bill Hicks’s comedy bit on that commercial.

”That ain’t a brain, that’s breakfast!”

The bit amount the commercial starts around 1:48

Edit: and to keep myself from only derailing off topic, good job nursing this clone @MoBilly :+1: Definitely bouncing back
Getting some great direction already from others, so I don’t have much to contribute other than encouragement :clap:

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@MoBilly well I’m pretty sure we can crossbow hunt out here during bow season. That’s a good work around.


She will make it :+1:, no problem :wink:! I have gotten 2 from @NDNCHILD and both of them recovered very quickly, 3 days if you just gently baby them along. I would not try to give it a new home till you see a little bit of growth and the return of vigor to it. I repotted between day 14 and 21. Just a suggestion as everyone’s situation will be different. :ok_hand::wink::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


I have one. But I don’t count that as bow hunting. lol
I have been out with it a few times though and put meat in the freezer but it just doesn’t feel like bow hunting to me.

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Yeah, it’ll take several days for the dirt to dry out. I’ll post some updates as I can.

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Yeah :100:! not really bow hunting but it is meat in the freezer.

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I love a good wet/dry cycle. I hate the media making a giant stink about “superblooms”. I love wildflowers, and hate the fools who trample them for the optimal photo.
There’s so many flowers everywhere, but folks all drive past going to “the better ones”. Really.
The wild sweet peas are just starting to go OFF close by. Been picking those for the missus for decades. I spent a lot of time in the garden with my mom. Got to pick out a bare root rose now and then. Must have been 50-60 in the yard.
Here’s a perspective. My grandson Weston loves flowers. When I had him more we spent lots of hours in the gardens. What he loves maybe the most? Dandelions. He’d skid to a stop on his bike and throw himself down at eye level to check one out close. “Look PPa…isn’t it beautiful?” “Yea buddy it is. Well???” He ceremoniously picks it, checks the wind, looks at me, then gives it a blast of little boy joy, making more dandelions.
Superbloom? SUPERBLOOM? We don’t need no stinking SUPERBLOOM!


Good morning @MoBilly snd friends! Hope everyone is having an amazing Morning! Cherish those you love and every moment you have together, never know when it might be the last.

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She’ll be fine, my Gary Payton came the same, I’d pop it out of that soil and replace with fresh and some mychorizae. I noticed after I did that , it really perked up by the next day. There’s ZERO air getting to that soil or the base whatsoever, I even noticed it had an almost mold smell when I opened it to pull it out.


My clones are not looking to good. Don’t know what happened. I checked them yesterday a the wilting is abundant. I guess cloning is just not my forte. I will still limp them along until they are dried up. I might take the plastic bags off them and mist them real good with water today and replace the plastic bags. I don’t get it. I did it correctly. Maybe because I soaked them in water before I put them in clone gel and then into soil. I was afraid of bugs so I figured if there were any on the cuts I could drown those fnckers @JoeCrowe style. Don’t know.


I have struggled with cloning from the beginning. I feel for ya brother.


There’s so many variables when it comes to cloning it’s insane. Sometimes I have perfect temps, perfect conditions and I’ll lose 6/7 out of 50 , others I get 100% and I’ve got it down to a science now trust me, I’m taking cuts bi-weekly and constantly bringing in new stuff too. I do prefer a tray over bags as it’s easier to keep them all in identical conditions . Are you using a heat mat underneath @BigMike55 . I stopped using them recently (in the spring summer anyway) and just maintain temps and I’m seeing better root times and more abundant rooting. The other thing that helped was adding a couple drops of bleach per gallon to the water I put in the base of my trays as it prevents algae, fungus, pathogens etc.


It took me six forevers to get the Vortex to get up and running. Almost gave up. I’m still having a problem getting that cultivar dialed in. She appears to have a nutrient deficiency. Looks like calcium is needed. I added some cal mag the day before yesterday when I fed them. Their still asleep so, I don’t know if that has had any effect. Still might be too early to tell tho. Always takes a couple days to notice any differences.