MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

Morning everybody! :wave: :coffee:
Still technically within “morning” time over here, for another fourteen minutes. Stayed up super late last night and went on an adventure with my wife. We left home around 2am to go see what we could of the Northern Lights. Our area doesn’t usually get them. It was awesome!


I have both. The blacks are Cayuga which are great for meat and eggs. Their meat has a different taste than any other duck. It’s more like goose. As a matter of fact some people consider them a small breed of goose. The white ones are Pekin (also a good all around breed). There are also a few Rouen. They don’t lay eggs as well as the others but their offspring provide us with our meat. I’ll keep them separated (kept in this pen) with the male for a while when we are ready to raise more for meat.


I would have watched but I was completely wiped out last night. Sorry I missed it. Maybe tonight there will be an encore.


If I had been half has wiped as you were then there’s no way I could have driven anywhere :sleeping:
least not safely

And honestly the lights were cool but mostly because I’ve never seen them before. We drove out as far from any lights as we could (live near a national park) and it was still barely visible. Had to wait for our eyes to adjust to the darkness. Even then, we could see the lights more easily through our phone cameras than we could with the naked eye :laughing: Which is a slight problem, because my eyes had to adjust to the darkness again after seeing the light of my phone screen!

Edit: I was able to take this while we were at the park. My wife got some better pics, later I’ll try to get them from her phone


Nice! I’ve seen the Northern Lights several times but I still wish I’d taken the opportunity. :slight_smile:


The more important part to me is that I was able to share a memorable experience with my wife. I can be a big sap that way :green_heart: :frog:
Going out last night was her spontaneous idea. We realized around 11:30pm that they would be visible in our area after she saw others share photos online. She’s been having a difficult year to put it mildly. I’m thrilled that she wanted to do this, last night it felt like old times.

I don’t think I realized how exceptional and important this was to me until just now when I typed this out.


I like you more and more @emeraldbullfrog .


Actually, I felt the same way, when my wife and I experienced the total solar eclipse together. Not sappy at all. We just love our girls.


Right back atcha @MoBilly
:point_right: :sunglasses: :point_right:

If I may indulge for a moment in a line from my Mom’s favorite musical (Annie, or at least she said it’s her favorite when she made me watch it all those times as a youngster):

:musical_score: I think I’m gonna like it here! :musical_note:

EDIT: And spot on @BigMike55 - same here when we experienced the total solar eclipse. There’s no one else I would rather have had by my side :man: :woman_artist: Plus now she is pumped that we were able to see the eclipse AND the northern lights both in the same year! At home, even! MsBullfrog couldn’t believe it, she said we got two of her bucket list items only a month apart.


Amen and Amen brother. Magic happens in a relationship when the others happiness and welfare is more important to you than your own. If that goes both ways, it’s a beautiful thing.


One time my wife asked, “what you do if I died?” I said, " I would die!"


There is no vision of a future for me living without my Rose!


I know the feeling brother. I can’t ride much in a vehicle for obvious reasons so she has to go to town a lot by herself. I worry all the time she’s gone. People treat these back roads like the Indy 500. I’ve had to hit the ditch three times because some piece of shit took a turn too fast and crossed over.
I believe that I could very well shrivel up and fade away if anything ever happened to her.


You think hillbillies are shitty drivers??? Head over to the BIG CITY sometime. Talk about 'pucker factor.


Big cities are the last place I ever want to drive. We went through Atlanta last year. Never again. I’ll drive an extra 100 miles to bypass that hell. The map of Atlanta looks like a can of malaria germs. I know it made me sick just driving through once. We went south coming home from Fla.


Good afternoon @MoBilly and friends! I hope yall are having a great day so far! Pretty chaotic over here on my end more work drama smh. Hey did you know you can get fired for hitting a dude in between the legs? Oh that’s a given and obvious well apparently not at my work. Yesterday this guy (ive had issues with in the past with laying hands on me jokingly but taking it too far) racked my trainee and he’s a 18 year old kid he was afraid to report it and im like nah dude fuck that guy if your waddling like a damn penguin report it. Well long story short I guess the 18 year old reported it as he’s still in pain today then had to go for a piss test and the other guy was off today they took away his paid day and suspended him even tho its the 3rd time he’s done some stupid stuff like this and it’s got his buddy all worked up not wanting to work with anyone it’s like geez bunch of morons. We work 3 days out of 7 yet someone is always stirring the pot here

No like on that @HighTilliDie . I know something like that would not fly with the company I worked for. Someone rack me??? OHH no. That ain’t happening. No job would keep me from wearing myself out on an SOB that would rack me up. I wouldn’t have been fired. I know that much. Joe (the owner) was a strict man about that kind of bullshit on the job. People get hurt or killed with f#*^tards like that on a work site. That kind normally didn’t last but days.

Oh man this just brought back a memory. I also do not like driving thru Atlanta.

Family road trip down to Florida. I was in high school, had my driving learner’s permit but not my full license yet. Rules stated that the learner’s permit required 50 hours supervised behind the wheel before allowed to take the license exam. My parents decided that an easy way to fill my learning hours would be to have me pilot the family minivan during parts of the road trip.

I was having a ball cruising down the highway for hours… until we reached Atlanta :fearful:
My parents forgot that I-75 runs right thru the city. Mind you, I had never driven in a big city yet. My only highway experience was on two-lane wide state routes where people were generally considerate of space and speed.

Suddenly as I’m driving my family further south the road widens up to three lanes… then four… then five. Five lanes wide! I didn’t even know that they make roads that big! And it was FULL of cars all passing on either side, tailgating, cutting me off with near-collision misses. All the while my dad is in the passenger seat trying to help me get over to the slow lane (there is no slow lane in Atlanta), mom is freaking out in the backseat because she can’t believe they forgot to switch drivers before this point, and my little sister is scared because the driving (ME) is scared and says he wants to stop immediately but can’t without causing an accident. It took probably 5 minutes before I could move over two lanes to take an exit, getting cut off nearly every time there was a car length’s worth of space in front of our van. I pulled us off I-75 as soon as I could. When I got out of the car I had calm myself down before we could leave again, sat in a parking lot for a few mins because I was shaking. That was one of the worst driving experiences I can recall. Luckily it happened early and I learned from it! Haha

Since then I’ve gotten much more experience with BIG CITY driving. Still freaks me out sometimes but nothing like that family trip with my learner’s permit. Even going in and around Philly doesn’t hold a candle to Atlanta.

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Well the same guy has assaulted me 3x now at this workplace and I’ve reported it everytime and the boss of my shift never reported it to HR or the higher ups and I said if this doesn’t get resolved either im gonna knock the snot out of the guy or someone will beat me to it. I guess getting fired was an option I didn’t consider. It’s crazy it went on for this long but I had warned that 18 year old like tread with caution because the bosses like this guy for whatever reason and have been covering for him

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Small instances but I have anger issues and if I react he’s on the ground so I’d rather report it. Like one day bitch slapped across the face with a stack of 20 papers for no reason at all, then kicked in the back of the leg and rack my knee off something had a big bruise for a week, and lastly just super disrespectful to others and I told him you let this go on and its gonna blow up in your face… well here we are now lol

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