MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

I’ve been through Chicago in a downpour thunderstorm in the middle of the night with no windshield wipers. No shit. I was pulling a flatbed trailer with all my daughters stuff loaded on it and that storm hit. I stopped long enough to run a line out both windows and her POS boyfriend was the wiper motor until we cleared the city. That was the most harrowing driving experience I’ve had.
Until Atlanta.

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Holy shit @HighTilliDie, I didn’t see this while I was typing. That is unacceptable behavior for anyone at any workplace. No one touches anyone, that’s not just a personal space thing it’s also a consent thing. We never know what someone else has experienced.

Please don’t fight him back at work, because then the workplace can see you as the problem. Shift boss never reported it to HR? Sounds like you now have TWO people you should report to HR. That’s to maintain the integrity of a safe work environment for everyone. I would bet that HR will be interested to document some of this…

Edit: And I know some folks see “going to HR” to be the same as “snitching” but when it comes to safety there’s no such thing as a snitch. Everyone needs to do their part to keep anyone from getting hurt.

In business terms - injured workers slow down production and negatively impact the bottom line (aka the boss’s quarterly bonus).

Edit again: Also I forgot to include at the top “I am sorry that this is the situation a shitty coworker has put you in.” It sucks when we’re put into a bad spot due to someone else’s actions. I also have anger issues and I have a hard time remembering that it’s my responsibility to care for myself and safely get myself out of a mess even if it’s someone else’s “fault” that I’m there.


I’ve never had to deal with workplace BS much. Mainly because I am a big guy and back then it was all, pretty much, muscle. People say I can be intimidating but I am the kind of person that normally would go way out of my way to keep from hurting someone or vice versa.
However, being racked up is a different thing. I believe my knee jerk response would take over and going to HR would be 20/20 hindsight.

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All this talk about bad drivers. Most prolly licensed too.

I’m in the dentist last week. New gal. She’s bumbling with some tool she thinks she’s going to use in my mouth. “Do you know what you’re doing? You seem nervous.” “I have a license to do this.” " So do most of the fools driving that kill people." She left the room and someone else did the job.


People have a right to voice their concerns. That’s part of freedom. It’s also a right that has been earned by those of us who have lived long enough to see incompetence at work before.


Safety regulations are written in blood.

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Never heard that one but it’s appropriate.

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My friend’s son lost a finger on a poorly set up pump jack last week. I came close to landing on a picket fence when one tore loose off the roof. Tore the contractor a new hole too. Bad alcoholic who quit drinking and got a puppy half way thru a 2nd story addition. Very bad.

After I started running backhoes… I was amazed at how many people totally ignore that loud as hell beeping that the equipment makes when backing up!
I mean REALLY? You have no idea how many morons are still walking this earth because I look before I move.

Sh!t, man. Find out where that guy hangs out. Joe’s Bar and Grill ?? Cool next, catch him there, after hours, and on his way out, work his ass over with a baseball bat. I garantee, if you take out a knee or two, he won’t fnck with you any more.
And as long as no one saw you do it, it didn’t happen.


Thanks for your kind words @BigMike55 @MonasticDank and @emeraldbullfrog. Yeah it’s a goofy situation for sure. I’m hoping they actually follow thru with termination because we don’t need someone like that here. Same guy also bought a bypass key for the machine he works at (surprisingly enough amazon sold it) and he can bypass any safety door on the machine. I watched him about lose his leg a few months back talking to me and playing on his phone knee in the safety gate for the elevator and he’s got his key in there to bypass opening the gate for every sheet of material well the big counterweight comes down while he’s looking at his phone and knocks his leg back and then he put his phone down grabbed his head and said dude I could of just lost my fucking leg and kinda sat there in silence so I was like on that note im out. Funny thing is the boss of our shift knows he also has the bypass key and hasn’t done anything about it so it’s just like man this place is ridiculous. You’d think since it’s a small shift (like maybe 10 people on our shift split between 2 buildings) that they would be keen on safety and it’s just like fend for yourself. The 18 year old I was training smashed the fuck out of his finger refused to report it then came by with a bloody shirt and finger by the boss and I kept hinting at him to hide it. Said ypu should clean up your dirty and kept pointing to his finger dripping blood and he’s like I know it’s good and finally I’m like no dude go put a bandaid on your fucking bloody finger get outta here with that and then my boss asked him do you want to do a safety write up he says no and he’s like alright well keep it bandaged up and hid away then

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This conversation makes me appreciate my old boss even more. lol


Lol it just blows my mind i value my life and I’d for surely enforce safety rules not make it optional


The conversation makes me appreciate the fact we always had a couple of family business!
Someone showed their ass, they went down the road quick

edit… we had as many as 35 guys working for us. Sometimes it was a massive babysitting job! lol But, someone starts getting rowdy, they aren’t gonna be working for us! Save that shit for after work, and OFF the job-site!


Now that’s the way to handle business :facepunch::+1:, old school style. Nothing wrong with getting your hat :billed_cap: , shoes :athletic_shoe:, coat :coat: and your lunch :sandwich: money taken, left taped to the lamp post with your pants :jeans: down around your ankles. Believe me that will make you think :thinking: twice quickly! :laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile: :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Good night everyone.
Have a great evening.

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goat morning @MoBilly the Greenroom and OG!!!


Good morning brother Mo, & all OG!


Happy Mother’s Day :bouquet:to all the wives that are mommies :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face: and good morning @MoBilly, @JohnnyPotseed, @BigMike55, @InTheWoods, @m0sirys, @Emeraldgreen, @crownpoodle, and all the rest of the green room gang have a GR8 day and don’t forget to do something nice for all them mommies! :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::wink::peace_symbol:


Good morning everybody. Have a great Sunday. Happy Mother’s Day.